Whats happening to Los Angeles?

My hometown,the 2nd biggest city in america and the entertainment capitol of the world is quickly going down the shitter. All of the illegals,corruption and crime. Its just sad that once i have kids I cant even relocate to LA to raise them where I was raised because in a couple of years LA will become gotham city.


Closed Account
Ive been living in LA for about a 1year and half, and I gotta say... LA is dirty as fuck!!!
Trash, confusing freeways, bums on every corner. I look at this place like Las Vegas: Its fun being here, you just dont want to live here.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
The very first sign was the day human beings appeared on the planet. That was the beginning of the end.

Tell me you have a PS3, dark. Cuz if you arent already on my bud list.... you need to be! lolol
the world is not ending just because LA is shitty. Contrary to popular belief, even if all of John Carpenter's movies came true (except for They Live, which is already true, but it's republicans not aliens) the world would be just fine. There are thousands of cities in the world, what a narrow minded centrist ego some people have to think that most people give a shit about LA.
This is nothing new. LA has been dirty for decades. My favorite part is the yellow air. As I understand it, if your city has yellow air, it means your special.
I dont know about u guys but i love LA. ive lived and worked here all my life and i'm still getting to know the city. yes, i know it's dirty but still it's home. and just bcuz its dirty doesn't mean complain - do something. besides theres so much diversity here it's amazing. besides we got pot shops - so stop bitchin and try to restore LA.
I remember when I lived in San Diego, and going to L.A. was like volunteering your soul to go to hell. You may survive the experience, but you will be scarred in some way.

Besides, there are plenty of other good places to live in sunny SoCal. Irvine, Santa Ana, Mission Beach, Oceanside, Newport Beach. I say that cuz I lived in these places.
I live less then 15 minutes away from downtown and I love it. I honestly can't imagine living somewhere else. Although why would you want to move a family into downtown LA. There are plenty of nice suburbs and places around LA that are great


Postal Paranoiac
Just wait until there's a major earthquake, and it breaks away from the U.S. mainland, and becomes an island prison.
If a city is dirty or not that's the last thing I worry about....
As long there is some red light districts, stripbars, good escorteservices, some fastfood restaurants or other places where I can eat some nice stuff for a cheap price , some stores where I can buy my Hip-Hop stuff , hot chicks and gorgeous girls walkin' down the streets who are willing to have sexual actions , a good library where I can get my knowledge and some good video renting stores it's all good for me , I don't even give a fuck bout the weather....
LA, and California in general, would benefit from the overturning of Prop 13. That is the central nexus to why LA and California are national embarrassments today compared to what they were 30 years ago, when Cali and LA ruled the Earth.
My hometown,the 2nd biggest city in america and the entertainment capitol of the world is quickly going down the shitter. All of the illegals,corruption and crime. Its just sad that once i have kids I cant even relocate to LA to raise them where I was raised because in a couple of years LA will become gotham city.

SoCal sounds a lot like South Florida!

I try to stay away from the bad areas and spend most of my time in the areas that make our cities great.

Beaches, clubs, warm weather, and hot chicks! It could be worse! :dunno:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I don't know what it's like to live in Los Angeles but I know what it's like to visit. Honestly, I thought it was one of the dirtiest places I have ever been in my life. I'm sure that the "scene" is probably very appealing to a lot of people, but it was just too dirty for my liking.

Detroit was also a shithole. Just thought I'd throw that out there.