Good, but I said similar and on a much larger scale than Chicago. I will retort, almost anything you can find in LA from skid row and gangs to traffic gridlock, the ultra rich and flaky, you will also find it here. The only thing LA has over Chicago is it's geographic location. You can't beat that sunny California weather as opposed to the climate here. I think you should get out more amigo.
Umm...similar = like
Personally, I don't think LA is
anything like Chicago at all. Sure, you could make the comparison of gangs, traffic and rich people, but you could do that with a thousand other cities; none of which are
anything like Chicago at all.
You Might as well say that two cities are similar because they both have streets and buildings.
Cleveland (where I grew up) has gangs and rich people, but Cleveland is
nothing like Chicago at all. I think that the only real comparison that you could make between the two cities (LA and Chicago) is that they have a diverse culture, especially when it comes to restaurants and food.
As far as the sunny weather...sure, a lot of people like it. But, I'm more of a winter baby that prefers chillier weather myself. I sweat when it's like 50 degrees outside, so I don't mind the cold weather.