Whats happening to Los Angeles?


I thought it had always been a shit hole.Tool sang about it over a decade ago.

"Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will.
I sure could use a vacation from this
Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of Freaks
Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call LA
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any fucking time. Any fucking day.
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay.

Whats happening to Los Angeles?
nothing its alwayz been this way we rule and dont really give a fuck about no one else
I have live here all my life n have travel the mighty USA and theres no place like LA...
Lakers, Dodgers, Ucla, Usc... the beaches, n the type females u run into on a giving day here Priceless
I love LA
Whats happening to Los Angeles?
nothing its alwayz been this way we rule and dont really give a fuck about no one else
I have live here all my life n have travel the mighty USA and theres no place like LA...
Lakers, Dodgers, Ucla, Usc... the beaches, n the type females u run into on a giving day here Priceless
I love LA

LA is great.. You really can't beat it.
LA is cool, you have everything and anything there. Similar to Chicago buy on a much GIANT scale minus the mountains and palm trees.


Closed Account
Just 'cause downtown smells like pee it doesn't make it any less of a city. :D
Come on, it's L.A. one of the bigger cities in the world of course there are going to be a lot of issues that go on. The fact is that people move over here, we don't move over there. Just stay away from downtown and enjoy the sunshine, diversity, and the tons of hot women that are all around. Randy Newman knows what it's all about.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
LA is cool, you have everything and anything there. Similar to Chicago buy on a much GIANT scale minus the mountains and palm trees.

You think LA is like Chicago? And, you think it's on a bigger scale?

Eh, I'm going to say that Chicago is nothing like LA.
LA is cool, you have everything and anything there. Similar to Chicago buy on a much GIANT scale minus the mountains and palm trees.
I've never been to both cities but it seems that (from what I've seen so far) Chicago is a city up north with cold winters etc. while LA is that sunshine city so I don't think those two are the same....
You think LA is like Chicago? And, you think it's on a bigger scale?

Eh, I'm going to say that Chicago is nothing like LA.

Good, but I said similar and on a much larger scale than Chicago. I will retort, almost anything you can find in LA from skid row and gangs to traffic gridlock, the ultra rich and flaky, you will also find it here. The only thing LA has over Chicago is it's geographic location. You can't beat that sunny California weather as opposed to the climate here. I think you should get out more amigo.
I've never been to both cities but it seems that (from what I've seen so far) Chicago is a city up north with cold winters etc. while LA is that sunshine city so I don't think those two are the same....

That's very astute of you. :thumbsup:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Good, but I said similar and on a much larger scale than Chicago. I will retort, almost anything you can find in LA from skid row and gangs to traffic gridlock, the ultra rich and flaky, you will also find it here. The only thing LA has over Chicago is it's geographic location. You can't beat that sunny California weather as opposed to the climate here. I think you should get out more amigo.

Umm...similar = like

Personally, I don't think LA is anything like Chicago at all. Sure, you could make the comparison of gangs, traffic and rich people, but you could do that with a thousand other cities; none of which are anything like Chicago at all. You Might as well say that two cities are similar because they both have streets and buildings.

Cleveland (where I grew up) has gangs and rich people, but Cleveland is nothing like Chicago at all. I think that the only real comparison that you could make between the two cities (LA and Chicago) is that they have a diverse culture, especially when it comes to restaurants and food.

As far as the sunny weather...sure, a lot of people like it. But, I'm more of a winter baby that prefers chillier weather myself. I sweat when it's like 50 degrees outside, so I don't mind the cold weather.
Chicago is better than LA. Better food...better looking city. LA has better-looking women, I'll grant it that, although I've only travelled to Chicago several times..I've never lived there. I've lived in LA.

California beaches are completely overrated as compared to Florida beaches. California sand sucks and the water is only BARELY WARM in August. The waves SOMETIMES are nice, but most of the time it's windy, washed out or simply tiny. In San Diego, the sun is nonexistent at the beach in June...and it's low 70s airtemp so sometimes its too cold to even go shirtless. People coverup. The average California beach goer has something in common with the average Floridian beachgoer--neither surfs.


Closed Account
I must say, one thing that cracks me up about Los Angeles is the local news channels. Just the way they present themselves, and on FOX 11 the weather guy is also the sports guy LOL.