I used to watch/listen to him before his satellite debut, but now the show is just boring and repetitive I think.
As far as Savannah Stern. That isn't her real name, its just her porn name. He is married to Beth Ostrosky.
Stern hasn't been relevant in over a decade. His gimmicks and acts got old even before that.
Ben--he never should've left free radio. He took the money and ran. I would've gone for that huge cash payout too but when Stern went to paid radio...he became obsolete in the entertainment discussion.
I think the E! show also made Howard focus too much on visual and not enough on the audio of his show. He made his show literally into a Johnny Carson type night show.
I have Sirius radio and the show has never been funnier......... Artie takes it to a new level.It sounds like many of you haven't heard his sirius show. The show is uncensored and fucking hilarious, I think the show right now is the best it's ever been!
ive heard of the sirius show, but they already play reruns, when does the real show come on?