Search results

  1. jibbijib

    Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willingly)

    Re: Etiquette with OCSMs (aka those smoking hot girls that post on this board willing Table manners are important.
  2. jibbijib

    Happy ending

    I went to a well renovated place for a massage... Was wanting just a regular back rub. Instead I was given a handjob. I felt slightly let down. But I was very happy :) :dunno:
  3. jibbijib

    FreeOnes Panties (Pics)

    If I wasn't already a member of freeones, I would sign up for freeones just cuz of this. And then subsequently post in this thread saying that I joined freeones cuz I saw freeones panties on a totally hot babe who was in the same bathroom as me. :)
  4. jibbijib

    Random Statement Thread II

    Hey guys whats up?
  5. jibbijib

    Ask me (Bree Olson) any question ya want

    How's the house coming along?
  6. jibbijib

    The Member Above Me....

    Has way too many damn posts. Slow down man!
  7. jibbijib

    Canada Vs USA !!!

    Surprisingly I was very calm and relaxed. I guess I knew we had it in the bag :D
  8. jibbijib

    Dropped my iPhone in a sink full of water today.

    Well now you know it's clean on the inside.
  9. jibbijib

    Ask me (Bree Olson) any question ya want

    Want to bring an empty 40 gallon oil drum to my place and start a fire in it? It's freakin freezing in here. Then we can make smores. Bring some of your friends too.
  10. jibbijib

    Im online,..:-) XXXX Bobbi Eden

    There's a miss freeones contest? Shit, I've been living under a rock in the freeones world. Do I get anything special if the girl I vote for wins?
  11. jibbijib

    Taco Bell vs. White Castle

    Tim Hortons. Coffee = stinky farts.
  12. jibbijib

    Ask me (Bree Olson) any question ya want

    If I put a performance head on one side of a v8, and kept the stock one on the other side, would one wheel spin faster?
  13. jibbijib

    The Boobs Question - Why you like boobs, please share.

    I like them because I don't have them.
  14. jibbijib

    Baby ducks

    I like turkeys.
  15. jibbijib

    The Member Above Me....

    Has alot of posts for a newbie.
  16. jibbijib

    There's just "something" about her?

    Certainly have :D Solves the problem of finding a nice friendly tiger to occupy your bathroom.
  17. jibbijib

    Vanity license plates

    Let me guess. Your personalized plate says "IM KEWL"
  18. jibbijib

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Black Snake Moan. Talk about a movie that turns out to be different from what you expect.
  19. jibbijib

    Official checked Star Member thread

    Welcome everyone thats new. Im the resident fuck doll. Come see me for an appointment. Thanks gals.
  20. jibbijib

    a linguistic project

    Tragically I lose my ability to talk since it was such a serious accident, so I resort to shitting on the hood of another witnesses car, and smearing it all over my face. Get some more trash. Then maybe the city will give me a new goddam lawn. Heres 5 bucks. Quick, somebody! I need a source of...
  21. jibbijib

    does anyone know what I'm talking about?

    Hey folks, what's going on in here? Ah shit, I have no idea what anyone is talking about.
  22. jibbijib

    There's just "something" about her?

    One word. Roofies. Solves alot of problems.
  23. jibbijib

    The Saints Lost?

    Looks like there wont be any marching in any time soon.
  24. jibbijib


  25. jibbijib

    Why White Girls Like Black Dick! (vid)

    ^^^ Very carefully. It's called opinions. They're like assholes. Loud and obnoxious, and everyone has them. You will get used to it.
  26. jibbijib

    Random Statement Thread II

    Howdy neighbours! :wave2:
  27. jibbijib

    >>> It's Official! We're looking for Miss FreeOnes 2010!

    I would like to nominate Blue Balls, ChefChiTown, Senob, M12, and minidog.
  28. jibbijib

    Minidiggydog!! :) [enter wave smiley here]

    Minidiggydog!! :) [enter wave smiley here]
  29. jibbijib

    Random Statement Thread II

    MNININIINININIINININININIDOG!!!! Holy crap your a mod now! Can u ban me for being a very naught boy? ;)
  30. jibbijib

    who keeps bumpin ''sbp_ _'' 's threads !

    Big Ugly Maneating Penises.
  31. jibbijib

    Random Statement Thread II

    Hey guys :)
  32. jibbijib

    Looking To Move?

    Thanks for the suggestions and ideas guys! Time to answer some questions. Petra: Thanfully I'm not one to be prone to illnesses, so pharmaceuticals are an extreme rarity for me :) The friend I'm looking to move in with works at Haagen Dazs in Munich, and said he may be able to get me in there...
  33. jibbijib

    Is this the real life?

    Party on Wayne.
  34. jibbijib

    Looking To Move?

    Thanks for the warm welcomes guys! Thanks petra, I found that site on google when I was looking up how to get a licence there. I suppose it's pretty easy for Canadians to get there, so I'm lucky! I don't know if I need a work visa or what? Don't think I'll be there for a long time... Just to...
  35. jibbijib

    Looking To Move?

    Hey everyone. I figured this would be a good return topic. Since I've been absent so much I figured I would grace everyone with my presence. Now, save the comments that you don't know who I am. because if you don't know who I am, then you are a noobie. At least compared to me. Not that I'm high...
  36. jibbijib

    who is she

  37. jibbijib

    My return

    Thanks for the kind welcomes guys! Looksl ike we have some fresh faces... Some very active fresh faces... Has any noobies asses been bleached yet? Nice to see my friends are still kickin it here... Love you guys! Missed you sooooo much! Girlfriends who love sex kinda make it hard to come on...
  38. jibbijib

    My return

    It has been brought to my attention that I haven't posted in a while. I suppose a couple of you have been wondering where I've been. I've been here and there. Moved to a sorta new place, became single again (not my choice unfortunately), and currently don't have a motorbike to ride right now...
  39. jibbijib

    Have you ever.............

    Who the hell am I? ... eaten some really nice brisket?
  40. jibbijib

    I still don't get this...what?

    "Marry this dork."
  41. jibbijib

    Favorite swear?

    Dickbean. Fucker. Shitbreak. Fucking cockass. Douchbag. This sucks monkey dung. Eat my ass with a spoon. And my all time favourite. I love you.
  42. jibbijib

    Someone got a speeding ticket

    That'll buff right out.
  43. jibbijib

    What Pistol Is Best For Home Protection?

    It's sad that people need to think like this.
  44. jibbijib

    French parliament to consider burka ban

    From another forum, a woman who lived in Iran.
  45. jibbijib

    French parliament to consider burka ban

    They're scared of ninjas. So they may as well protect their own asses just in case some of these women are highly leathal
  46. jibbijib

    Jon and Kate plus eight: WHO CARES!!!!

    Hey you know whats great? Other things.
  47. jibbijib

    what a tool this guy is

    He is my hero.
  48. jibbijib

    Have you ever.............

    Wanted to.. ... fallen up stairs?
  49. jibbijib

    Random Statement Thread II

    Can I come with you next time?