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  1. jibbijib

    Ask me (SpexyAshleigh) any question you want!

    That's really unfortunate about your late ex Ash... It would be nice to be able to reverse time and do thing differently, but alas, time just keeps going forward. What was it like for you when you did your very first cam show?
  2. jibbijib

    How often do you masturbate?

    Day 2 fap free and 5.5 hours to go woot!
  3. jibbijib

    Ask me (SpexyAshleigh) any question you want!

    I missed out on all that talk of Ontario lol... I used to live an hour west of Kingston, and I'd say its the best place in Ontario to be. You aren't too far away from Toronto, theres tons of wineries if you are into that, housing is cheap, Kingston isn't far either (hottest girls in Ontario seem...
  4. jibbijib

    Big Breasts on Slim Chicks

    Jordan Carver You won't be disappointed.
  5. jibbijib

    How does this make u feel ?

    Quietly in a padded room because you'll be Institutionalized. :elaugh:
  6. jibbijib

    How often do you masturbate?

    Sounds good :) I'll be sure to check back and update. Btw keep up the good work!
  7. jibbijib

    How often do you masturbate?

    I've spent myself today, I think enough for a couple days. Startin to get sore. Break time. Maybe you should let me know when a good time to start back up again would be?
  8. jibbijib

    Ask me (SpexyAshleigh) any question you want!

    Why do you have to be all the way in Nova Scotia? You're so far away from Winnipeg. :(
  9. jibbijib

    What pornstar do you share a birthday with??

    On my exact day month and year, no one. In any year, no one I've ever heard of.
  10. jibbijib

    How does this make u feel ?

    Now that I see it, it would make me feel un-comfortable. That's the most annoying part about condoms.
  11. jibbijib

    What pornstar would YOU want to deliver you pizza?

    Well either Kimora Klein or Danielle Derek. Because neither would eat the pizza on the way over. Plus I'd probably get a good lay as I ate.
  12. jibbijib

    Television programming made for teens is bullshit!!!

    Season 5? I thought season 3 started off far fetched... I guess they're getting worse with time.
  13. jibbijib

    A stupid question but..

    I do it every day.
  14. jibbijib

    Television programming made for teens is bullshit!!!

    I think what people fail to realize is that it's tv. It's supposed to be entertaining, not a depiction of reality. It's where imaginations are allowed to roam free so people can be taken on a journey. If they did it as realistic as real life, it would be incredibly boring tv. Of course there's...
  15. jibbijib

    Television programming made for teens is bullshit!!!

    What show are you on about?
  16. jibbijib

    ask xx

    H...... do everything on the list and add some more.
  17. jibbijib

    Television programming made for teens is bullshit!!!

    As a Canadian let me be the first to apologize for Skins US. After all, it was filmed here with Canadian actors. Skins UK is by far much better.
  18. jibbijib

    Television programming made for teens is bullshit!!!

    If you were a tv show I would be Man of Rock too. Well, even not being a tv show. :tinhat:
  19. jibbijib

    How does this make u feel ?

    Makes me feel like your link doesn't work.
  20. jibbijib

    If You Had 10 Grand to Buy a Car (or Cars)

    I'd get a foxbody mustang. Probably a mint 86 T top. Would probably have money to spare and I could buy go fast parts for it.
  21. jibbijib

    Dirty Girl: Danni Gee On Sale!

    Woohoo! I've contributed to the development of a pornstar's website! *checks that off bucket list*. Alright next on the list is to participate in an act with a pornstar... Care to eat some cake with me?
  22. jibbijib

    How often do you masturbate?

    Indeed there are. I just got done almost an hour ago. Should join me sometime, we can hi5 while we 'bate!
  23. jibbijib

    Its question time.

    *Puts sugary frosting on his cock* :)
  24. jibbijib

    ask xx

    What's Miss Hybrid stand for?
  25. jibbijib

    How often do you masturbate?

    I haven't taken a day off in quite a while. I keep on wanting to take a week or so off, or sometimes see how long I can go for without, but then I get too tempted, and you know the rest.
  26. jibbijib

    I feel so dizzy

    I do say.
  27. jibbijib

    Random Statement Thread II

    I need more reps.
  28. jibbijib

    What Are Your NFL Football Playoff Predictions?

    Everyone explodes.
  29. jibbijib

    A HUGE Thank you from Mariah Milano!

    Hooray cheesecake!
  30. jibbijib

    Guys, what do you hate the most about masturbating?

    Finding a thread about what guys hate most about masturbating.
  31. jibbijib

    Pornstars born in 1993

    Wow. Just, wow.
  32. jibbijib

    My girlfriend wants to fuck me in the ass

    Don't back talk me sprite.
  33. jibbijib

    If you could have one superpower...

    My superpower would be to turn desks into expensive cars.
  34. jibbijib

    My girlfriend wants to fuck me in the ass

    This thread is centuries old. Why are you people still posting in it?
  35. jibbijib

    Random Statement Thread II

    There are 920 pages of random statements in this thread so far.
  36. jibbijib

    Test Area V

    Testing my patience.
  37. jibbijib

    The Member Above Me....

    missed me dearly... So this is where everyone is hiding!
  38. jibbijib

    Random Statement Thread II

    I'm sitting outside HB's window wanking to his porn.
  39. jibbijib

    The last person to post here WINS!

    Hey losers, I'm back to win.
  40. jibbijib

    Dirty Girl: Danni Gee On Sale!

    This makes me hungry.
  41. jibbijib

    Who's This "BaconSalt" Character???

    It's funny to look through all these replies and not see one person say what he really was. A troll. Ya'll got trolled.
  42. jibbijib

    Rebecca Linares New tits

    Is it just me, or are all the new boob jobs these days so terribly done? Like, the scars are disturbing. I feel sorry for these girls. I guess earlier years yielded "artists" in the boob enhancing area. I've seen a few stars who've had recent upgrades with the ugliest scars on their boobs.
  43. jibbijib

    Top Gear

    Watch it. Love cars. Love Top Gear. Love the crew. Hate that I don't get it on tv.
  44. jibbijib

    My girlfriend wants to fuck me in the ass

    This thread is still around? I thought it would've been dead along with the glue that came from the beat up horse....
  45. jibbijib

    Hot Sexy Story

    Good point bazza... I used my right, then my left, then both at the same time. Then right again.
  46. jibbijib

    Ask me (mrtrebus) any question ya want

    Can you cook me dinner tonight?
  47. jibbijib

    Hot Sexy Story

    Since these are all the rage these days, here's my true life's story of my sexual experimentation. One day, I used Vaseline to wank. The end. Click here to see animals licking themselves.
  48. jibbijib

    how i got to my friends Double D's

    Dude had friend with big tits. She showed him her tits. Click this link to see hardcore sex. Tadaaa
  49. jibbijib

    No Matter How Cool You Try To Make It, It's Still A Minivan, M'kay?

    I had missiles installed in my bumper because of this.
  50. jibbijib

    Someone from FO needs to help this girl!

    Rofl with a hardon.