Thanks for the suggestions and ideas guys!
Time to answer some questions.
Petra: Thanfully I'm not one to be prone to illnesses, so pharmaceuticals are an extreme rarity for me

The friend I'm looking to move in with works at Haagen Dazs in Munich, and said he may be able to get me in there. So it won't be too difficult.
BlueBalls : Thanks for the welcome! I'll be sure to stop by for an anal bleaching.
Jagger : My father was also a service brat, so he's live all over EU and has continually moved all his life. Which translates into my knack for moving around alot. I've moved about 18 times so far in my life, which equates to an average of 1.5 years per house. Thanks for the welcome again
Girk1: Germany, because of a friend. Male, not female. Lol. Seemingly more trust worthy than going there for a female. I can't really give you tips on preparing yourself for a move. I've just been dragged through it in my childhood so I'm used to it. I'm very thankful I've moved to different cities and towns. Get to experience different lifestyles. I suppose you could look at it like a new job. It's something fresh and exciting. Do some research, make some friends beforehand, and that can make it easier to move.
Facetious, thanks for the sound advice. Luckily I'll be staying with a local anyway, so I'm sure I could learn alot of the language to keep ahead. Hopefully out of trouble too haha.
I really appreciate the support guys! I'm already glad I posted this thread, it's refreshing my desire to do it and stick with it. To those who are moving in the future, Good luck, and enjoy it!