Taco Bell vs. White Castle


Lord Dipstick
Which farts are worse?
I vote White Castle. :thumbsup:
Well since we don't have any White Castles here in Texas I will have to go with Taco Bell...with Starbucks running a close second!
Hard-boiled egg :eek:


Lord Dipstick
Hey Mr. Mod....You HAVE to add that fart smiley here A.S.A.P!! :D

Not for me.......but for JaneB! :nanner:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
We don't have either up here...
Taco Hell...definitely.:eek:


Member, you member...
Wow, another fart thread - calling Knob Cheese!!!

HaHa, going with T Bell because there's no White Castle in these here parts.
There are no White Castles where I live in SC, so I can't compare the 2.
Actually, the one that takes the cake is Naan 'n Curry all-you-can-eat buffet. I went there for lunch with a couple coworkers once, and the entire ballroom at the Marriott that we were working in that day smelled like Aloo Gobi and Tikka Masala by the end of the day. :D
Them WC sliders always gives you the smelly mudds. . . :anonymous