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  1. jibbijib

    The last person to post here WINS!

    Re: last person to reply wins! Oh new people... Le sigh.
  2. jibbijib

    Ask me (SpexyAshleigh) any question you want!

    ^^^Those who didn't like it didn't understand it from a personal level. I loved that book. It's definitely worth reading.
  3. jibbijib

    what are you scared of.....

    I'm scared of not being loved by people on here... :(
  4. jibbijib

    Ask Me (Jayda Diamonde) Anything You Want!

    Would you come to my town and buy a car from me at a dealership if I were to get the job there?
  5. jibbijib

    We Love You Too, America

    Trolls. Oh, and the milk bag thing is really only true in Ontario. The rest of the provinces gotta get their shit together, milk in jugs tastes like shit. I miss milk bags.
  6. jibbijib

    I'm drinking

    Winnipeg, my friend. Place is fuckin cold.
  7. jibbijib

    I'm drinking

    I just realized I haven't had scotch yet this year. That needs to change.
  8. jibbijib

    Is Carmella Bing obese/fat/over-weighted ?

    I bet shes done this for two reasons. 1 to get into a different market 2 to make her boobs bigger for when she slims down. All natural yeyuuhh. Though it doesn't strike my fancy, shes still got a nice ass and a nice face. So I'll just wait til she decides to slim back down again.
  9. jibbijib

    How often do you masturbate?

    It's great for bragging about how long one can go though lol
  10. jibbijib

    Ask me (SpexyAshleigh) any question you want!

    ^^^^ Ya but you can own being wrong....
  11. jibbijib

    How often do you masturbate?

    Don't think you understood what I meant lol... Sometimes people don't get to climax no matter what... ;)
  12. jibbijib

    What are you listening to right now?

    Pictures of Home - Deep Purple.
  13. jibbijib

    Best Cover Versions

    Any song that Jeff Buckley covers.
  14. jibbijib

    Free Handjobs!

    Sometimes left...
  15. jibbijib

    How often do you masturbate?

    For some, it's easier done than said...
  16. jibbijib

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

    Usually it takes about 3 weeks to a month for them to just come here and promote.
  17. jibbijib

    Sara Jay

    Re: Sara Jay - World's curviest babe Indeed it is, can see the deformity in the wall behind her.
  18. jibbijib

    RAINA on NDNgirls - New 19yr old Navajo teen... Hotter than a laptop in a crackhouse!

    Re: RAINA on NDNgirls - New 19yr old Navajo teen... Hotter than a laptop in a crackho You took it out of context.
  19. jibbijib

    Environmental solution

    Lol nice. It's actually carbon MONoxide that comes out of the tailpipes that's deadly. Not carbon dioxide.
  20. jibbijib

    Caption this

    "...And then I gave her the dirty sanchez, like this"
  21. jibbijib

    Booty Call of Cthulhu

    This is like a good porno.
  22. jibbijib

    Whats your single session masturbation record?

    Reminiscing about the good ole days? Kinda sad you had to have a vw bus and chloroform.
  23. jibbijib

    RAINA on NDNgirls - New 19yr old Navajo teen... Hotter than a laptop in a crackhouse!

    Re: RAINA on NDNgirls - New 19yr old Navajo teen... Hotter than a laptop in a crackho ^^^ Especially if you are white. They love it when white people act like them.
  24. jibbijib

    Free Handjobs!

    I couldn't do it.
  25. jibbijib

    Katy Perry

    Re: Katy Perry: I Used to Hate My "Enormous Boobs" I laugh at the tabloids that think her boobs are big. They're not really anything amazing. It's just that most celebrities have small tits.
  26. jibbijib

    RAINA on NDNgirls - New 19yr old Navajo teen... Hotter than a laptop in a crackhouse!

    Re: RAINA on NDNgirls - New 19yr old Navajo teen... Hotter than a laptop in a crackho "Hotter than a laptop in a crackhouse." Damn that's funny. Thanks I'm gunna use that lol
  27. jibbijib

    What! Nutella makes you fat!

    ^^Kidnap me and take me to your country plz.
  28. jibbijib

    If your Avatar is a hot chick, that is how I see you

    All the female OCSM's rub one out to my avatar so I'm fine with that.
  29. jibbijib

    What! Nutella makes you fat!

    If I were the maker of Nutella, I would counter sue for stupidity. Ulysses, I feel your pain. I cry for you. Nutella isn't fattening, it's god damned hazlenut paste with cocoa. And it's the best tasting thing evar. Now I need bread and nutella.
  30. jibbijib

    Ask me (Vodkas Victim) anything.

    Seventeen and a half.
  31. jibbijib

    Random Statement Thread II

    Is it just me, or has there been a rather large influx of self proclaimed assholes that have joined the board lately? It's a very over played character. It was funny with the first 3 or 4. Now there are too many tryhards.
  32. jibbijib

    How often do you masturbate?

    My pole?
  33. jibbijib

    Ask me (SpexyAshleigh) any question you want!

    Well you see, you live 2 hours or so into the future from me, so I figured you might have a grasp on whats to come.
  34. jibbijib

    Andronicus Ry is a jackass and deserves to be beaten...

    Lol at your attempt to come off as running this shit when you haven't been here long enough.
  35. jibbijib

    What's On Your Bucket List?

    Noice! Yeah I'd love to ride a bike round the world, but I'm a little more of a realistic goal type of person. I just know it's not attainable for me personally. There's another fella who did the round world trip a few times now on Went around on a Harley of all things!
  36. jibbijib

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

    That is a son of a bitch. Hard to live with.
  37. jibbijib

    How often do you masturbate?

    Wooo nachos!
  38. jibbijib

    What's On Your Bucket List?

    Another thing. Ride a motorbike across Canada
  39. jibbijib

    Fans denied access to seats at Super Bowl

    Lmao nice. People got pooped on. Why someone would be dumb enough to pay $3k for a ticket is beyond me. I don't retract my statement about Americans, this further enhances it. Thanks for proving me right yet again. And you can negative rep me all you want, it wont reverse my well backed...
  40. jibbijib

    How often do you masturbate?

    I see a banning in the future. Hmm, yes, a swift banning.
  41. jibbijib

    Ask me (SpexyAshleigh) any question you want!

    How's the future btw?
  42. jibbijib

    Random Statement Thread II

    To infinity, and beyond!
  43. jibbijib

    Fans denied access to seats at Super Bowl

    Lol bitching about getting three times the amount in their tickets? Shit man, I'd be happy with that. If I spent $3k on a ticket and got $9k back I'd be happy as fuck. I'd fuck off and go to a bar and watch the game or something, then use the money for other more useful things. Friggin...
  44. jibbijib

    What's On Your Bucket List?

  45. jibbijib

    Naomi Wolf on Why Porn Turns Men Of The Real Thing

    It's kinda hard to be sexually forward when every girl you meet wants to put you in the friend zone as soon as possible.
  46. jibbijib

    Ask me (SpexyAshleigh) any question you want!

    Mrtrebus isn't human though.
  47. jibbijib

    How do breast implants feel to touch?

    ^^^ Good explanation lol. I've felt quite a few thanks to strip clubs. I suggest you visit one that isn't one of those no-touch policy ones.
  48. jibbijib

    New OCSM - Hey Guys! :P

    Alright, I am here now.