Hey everyone. I figured this would be a good return topic. Since I've been absent so much I figured I would grace everyone with my presence. Now, save the comments that you don't know who I am. because if you don't know who I am, then you are a noobie. At least compared to me. Not that I'm high and mighty, I've just been around for a while.
Anyway on with the show. So lately I've felt the need to migrate. I guess it's just set in me to want to move around since I've moved so much in my life. So I'm considering moving to Germany.
Has anyone else been bit with this bug? Any aspirations to move anywhere new? Try something else for a change? Where would you like to move if you could? Are you planning on moving soon?
Mostly this is for moving to a completely new country, as this is what I am considering. I'll be looking at transferring from Canada to Germany. Namely a nice little town called Bergchtesgadener Land. It's right on the border of Austria, and houses the famous Eagles Nest (Hilters private residence). Anyway, it's very scenic, and a totally fresh spin on things for me. So I'm really pumped about it! Kinda wanna set this thread here to be a constand reminder of my idea, and want the best help available to make everything follow through.
Here's the website for the place for those who are curious. http://www.berchtesgaden.de/en/city
I am open to suggestions and tips on getting there, and what I would have to do in order to live there. I've figured out the licence issue, just want to know more about what else is obligatory.
Let me know where you guys would like to move to! Helps to have inspiration!
Thanks guys, nice talking again.
Anyway on with the show. So lately I've felt the need to migrate. I guess it's just set in me to want to move around since I've moved so much in my life. So I'm considering moving to Germany.
Has anyone else been bit with this bug? Any aspirations to move anywhere new? Try something else for a change? Where would you like to move if you could? Are you planning on moving soon?
Mostly this is for moving to a completely new country, as this is what I am considering. I'll be looking at transferring from Canada to Germany. Namely a nice little town called Bergchtesgadener Land. It's right on the border of Austria, and houses the famous Eagles Nest (Hilters private residence). Anyway, it's very scenic, and a totally fresh spin on things for me. So I'm really pumped about it! Kinda wanna set this thread here to be a constand reminder of my idea, and want the best help available to make everything follow through.
Here's the website for the place for those who are curious. http://www.berchtesgaden.de/en/city
I am open to suggestions and tips on getting there, and what I would have to do in order to live there. I've figured out the licence issue, just want to know more about what else is obligatory.
Let me know where you guys would like to move to! Helps to have inspiration!
Thanks guys, nice talking again.