Looking To Move?

Hey everyone. I figured this would be a good return topic. Since I've been absent so much I figured I would grace everyone with my presence. Now, save the comments that you don't know who I am. because if you don't know who I am, then you are a noobie. At least compared to me. Not that I'm high and mighty, I've just been around for a while.

Anyway on with the show. So lately I've felt the need to migrate. I guess it's just set in me to want to move around since I've moved so much in my life. So I'm considering moving to Germany.

Has anyone else been bit with this bug? Any aspirations to move anywhere new? Try something else for a change? Where would you like to move if you could? Are you planning on moving soon?

Mostly this is for moving to a completely new country, as this is what I am considering. I'll be looking at transferring from Canada to Germany. Namely a nice little town called Bergchtesgadener Land. It's right on the border of Austria, and houses the famous Eagles Nest (Hilters private residence). Anyway, it's very scenic, and a totally fresh spin on things for me. So I'm really pumped about it! Kinda wanna set this thread here to be a constand reminder of my idea, and want the best help available to make everything follow through.

Here's the website for the place for those who are curious. http://www.berchtesgaden.de/en/city

I am open to suggestions and tips on getting there, and what I would have to do in order to live there. I've figured out the licence issue, just want to know more about what else is obligatory.

Let me know where you guys would like to move to! Helps to have inspiration!

Thanks guys, nice talking again.


Member, you member...
Hey jib!
I don't really have asspirations to move to another country - yet.
Even though the US is not getting along with itself right now.
One place I thought about moving to a few years ago was Juarez, MX, because I knew
people there, but the way things are there between the cartels, not so much anymore.

Good Luck on your move and remember to get the Net over there so you can enjoy your
I've personally thought about moving from the UK to the USA.
My girl is studying out there in california and she's thinking about staying but the visa system seems very complicated. . . I've already been over to the states like 12times in the last 4yrs


Closed Account
Welcome back jibbijib, and it is certainly a sad day when peeps consider a member with a low post count a noob, but we are glad that you have posted!!

I say go for it, you only live once and maleonetwo should be able to help you out on a lot of issues


Is somewhere outhere.
Welcome back jibbijib and good luck with the big move.If I could do
it then I would move to New Zealand,but I'm ok in Scotland for the
time being.Once you get out of the city and into the Highlands your
always reminded of how great your country really is.So it would take
a hell of a lot for me to move. :)


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Welcome back Jib ;-)

You Might try http://www.expatica.com/de/main.html That's a resource site and forum for expats in Germany. You Might find some useful information there if you haven't found it already.

Four years, as of Dec 5th I moved to the Netherlands from the US. Aside from some obvious roadbumps such as language and redtape, I love it. From here I can get to any other country in the EU with relative ease.

Make sure you check into the immigration rules. Some countries, like the NL, have very strict rules on who can get a Residence Permit. For example, here, you can only live here if you're non-EU:

1.) You have a company sponsoring your residence permit.

2.) You're here for family formation and have a dutch resident to sponsor you that meets the requirements.

3.) You're applying for asylum.

But other EU countries will allow anyone to live there as long as they meet an income requirement (France is one of those) and so on.

Also, some countries might have a treaty with Canada for people wanting to start businesses. I know here, Americans that want to start a business can get a RP based on the Dutch American Friendship Treaty.

So...that's all that I can tell you as I don't know much about Germany's integration requirements. ;-) Good luck!


Postal Paranoiac
I'll be moving next month. Not because I dig that sort of thing, its just a change type of deal. Luckily, I'm not moving that far away. So it's not like I'm relocating to another country like Germany, or England, or Cambodia, or wherever. Moving sucks.
Thanks for the warm welcomes guys!

Thanks petra, I found that site on google when I was looking up how to get a licence there. I suppose it's pretty easy for Canadians to get there, so I'm lucky! I don't know if I need a work visa or what? Don't think I'll be there for a long time... Just to see what else is around. Sounds like some people have had some cool moves!

Maildude, I know all too well the whole moving thing... I've moved 18 times already in my life! Moving does blow monkey dung.

I have a friend in that city, which is why I chose that particular city. So he will try to help me out for getting work, and train me in some German! The transition shouldn't be too hard, I'm sure it has quite a bit of english speaking people there since it's a tourist community.

Anyway, thanks for the help guys! Looknig forward to seeing more tips and ideas!

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I have no plans to permanently move again. I'm done with that. But when I retire (early, I hope!), I'd like to go back and take Italian again, and then spend a year or so in Rome studying ancient Roman history.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
I just moved from the US to the UK, and I'm loving it so far. I think that regardless of where you're coming from or where you're going, living in another country for a significant length of time is key to helping you round yourself as a person. Different culture, different perspective...I mean, coming from the US to the UK was like moving to the world. Or the rest of the world, as it were (considering how physically isolated the States are from anything else but its two neighbors). I imagine Canada to Germany would be much the same.

So I would say, if you can do it, do it. It's not like Canada will disappear if you ever really desire going back. :thumbsup:


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Thanks for the warm welcomes guys!

Thanks petra, I found that site on google when I was looking up how to get a licence there. I suppose it's pretty easy for Canadians to get there, so I'm lucky! I don't know if I need a work visa or what? Don't think I'll be there for a long time... Just to see what else is around. Sounds like some people have had some cool moves!

Maildude, I know all too well the whole moving thing... I've moved 18 times already in my life! Moving does blow monkey dung.

I have a friend in that city, which is why I chose that particular city. So he will try to help me out for getting work, and train me in some German! The transition shouldn't be too hard, I'm sure it has quite a bit of english speaking people there since it's a tourist community.

Anyway, thanks for the help guys! Looknig forward to seeing more tips and ideas!

Something you might want to look into is a working holiday visa. I think they're available to Canadians and Aussies in the EU countries (don't take my word on this since I'm American and too old anyways). I believe they're good for a year.

Now, something you need to think about with work is in most countries, work is going to natives over immigrants that don't speak the language fluently. Maybe with the village you're looking at moving to they'll have a tour guide position or something...but don't count on it.

And the biggest thing is keeping an open mind. If you're used to doing grocery shopping at midnight at a 24 hour store in the US, forget that here. Stores aren't even open on Sunday. Most shops are closed before 6pm, maybe even earlier in smaller villages. Don't expect a wide selection of products in a store either...food or whatnot. And medicine...a lot of what we have OTC is illegal in Europe. Don't expect sudafed or nyquil.

But, for anyone thinking of moving to another country, if these are little things to you then you'll get over the shock quickly. :)
I'll be moving next month. Not because I dig that sort of thing, its just a change type of deal. Luckily, I'm not moving that far away. So it's not like I'm relocating to another country like Germany, or England, or Cambodia, or wherever. Moving sucks.

East Lansing to Lansing?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I've spent my whole life moving....first as a civil service brat when I was a kid and then during my own career. I've traveled just about everywhere (at least that I'd care to go to) and seen many places, some better than others (some much better than others). I've lived in Texas for the past 10 years, it's the best place on the planet from my perspective and it's where I'm going to stay.

I say go for it....life is change so roll with it. You're young....if you don't try it, you might spend the rest of your life wondering "what if....??". Like Rattrap said, you can always go back.

Welcome back to the insanity.
I've spent my whole life moving....first as a civil service brat when I was a kid and then during my own career. I've traveled just about everywhere (at least that I'd care to go to) and seen many places, some better than others (some much better than others). I've lived in Texas for the past 10 years, it's the best place on the planet from my perspective and it's where I'm going to stay.

I say go for it....life is change so roll with it. You're young....if you don't try it, you might spend the rest of your life wondering "what if....??". Like Rattrap said, you can always go back.

Welcome back to the insanity.

Hmmmm, nicely said Jag:thumbsup: Life is/can be full of regrets ...
I've spent my whole life moving....first as a civil service brat when I was a kid and then during my own career. I've traveled just about everywhere (at least that I'd care to go to) and seen many places, some better than others (some much better than others). I've lived in Texas for the past 10 years, it's the best place on the planet from my perspective and it's where I'm going to stay.

I say go for it....life is change so roll with it. You're young....if you don't try it, you might spend the rest of your life wondering "what if....??". Like Rattrap said, you can always go back.

Welcome back to the insanity.

:sing: I’ve been to Reno, Chicago, Fargo, Minnesota, Buffalo, Toronto, Winslow, Sarasota…... :banger:


Closed Account
So lately I've felt the need to migrate. I guess it's just set in me to want to move around since I've moved so much in my life. So I'm considering moving to Germany.

Has anyone else been bit with this bug? Any aspirations to move anywhere new? Try something else for a change? Where would you like to move if you could? Are you planning on moving soon?

Mostly this is for moving to a completely new country, as this is what I am considering. I'll be looking at transferring from Canada to Germany. Namely a nice little town called Bergchtesgadener Land. It's right on the border of Austria, and houses the famous Eagles Nest (Hilters private residence). Anyway, it's very scenic, and a totally fresh spin on things for me. So I'm really pumped about it! Kinda wanna set this thread here to be a constand reminder of my idea, and want the best help available to make everything follow through.

Here's the website for the place for those who are curious. http://www.berchtesgaden.de/en/city

Let me know where you guys would like to move to! Helps to have inspiration!

Thanks guys, nice talking again.

I have gotten the 'bug' to move ,but unlike you jib I am a big pussy who has never moved beyond 80 miles of my place of birth(never lived outside my home state).:o I have had oppurtunities to move to other cities/states ,but I chicken out every time & make excuses.

I am truly fascinated by & admire someone who can just pack up & go to another country.
Do you speak German already (thus making transition easier)? Are you afraid you won't be able to communicate with the locals?
Did you randomly pick this city or did you find a love connection with a German lady? Why Germany?

I have always been fascinated by the music,culture, beauty(women & landscape) of BRAZIL.

In particaular if I had the chance(balls) I think I would move to Salvador, Bahia Brazil (which is mles away from the tourist destination Rio).
The endless beautiful beaches, beautiful women, Carnivale, the 16th century Portuguese architecture,Copaiera,latin music/dance,cuisine,etc.......

I had even began learning a little Brazilian Portuguese just in case one day I grow a pair. What tips can you give to me to make such a move more easy & could you tell me anything to alleviate my FEARS about moving?
Good luck to your move! You've got to do it, as others have said. I've moved around a bit too. I usually follow the 2 year rule. If I don't like the feel of a place after 2 years, I move.

If I ever make megabucks someday--I wouldn't mind buying a vacation place in France or England someday, but I don't think I could ever actually move to a foreign country. Although, if the U.S. doesn't get serious about reforming healthcare and Medicare, I'll most likely be "retiring" in a South American country.