A stupid question but..

Is it possible to enter into people's subconscious minds or dreams. I just saw the movie Inception and I'm sort of fascinated by this subject. The question might seem a little stupid but anything is possible I believe :dunno:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Sure. All it requires is some date rape and a power drill.
I would have to say no, at least not with current technology. We have yet to fully map the human brain and know where each thought and sensory come from within the brain. So for us to be able to bring others into that where they can actually interact with the person's subconscious would be an amazing breakthrough. Sorry, currently can't happen and not sure if it ever can


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
you saw a movie and now you're taking it serious?

I made that mistake once. I watched Back to the Future and got caught driving 88 MPH down the highway. I didn't go back in time, but I did spend a night in jail with a guy named Doc in my brown.
I made that mistake once. I watched Back to the Future and got caught driving 88 MPH down the highway. I didn't go back in time, but I did spend a night in jail with a guy named Doc in my brown.

A night in Jail with a guy named Doc In Your Brown?!?! LOL :rofl2:


knows petras secret: she farted.
I made that mistake once. I watched Back to the Future and got caught driving 88 MPH down the highway. I didn't go back in time, but I did spend a night in jail with a guy named Doc in my brown.

whats funny is everytime i do get up around 90 mph, i secretly look back to see a trail of fire behind me.

ill tell you one thing though, id never makeout with my mom. i dont give two shits if it is her highschool dance.
Is it possible to enter into people's subconscious minds or dreams. I just saw the movie Inception and I'm sort of fascinated by this subject. The question might seem a little stupid but anything is possible I believe :dunno:
& yes it is a little stupid to even entertain the notion.

Dude, subliminal messages are everywhere! Commercials, Movies, Music! The subconscious mind hears and see's all! Good movie by the way :thumbsup:
Subliminal messages, such as those used controversially in commercials don't work. Another fallacy.