I know it is too early, but lets have this thread updated till december...
Maybe today some girl turned 18 and tomorrow she gets fucked on camera...


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Kind of quick. You have to account for production and editing time. You probably won't see anything too soon.
They'll start popping around Maypril/June or so.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Man, 1993? Fuck, I feel old and perverted now.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I couldn't care if a porn star was born in the year 2099.

You mean she'd come back in time, like in Star Trek or something? But still, wonder if that would make her legal or jailbait? I mean, technically (in this time period) she'd be minus 88 years old! Right? :dunno:

I think we may need to get a ruling from Judge Roald on that one! Somebody go wake him up. I would do it, but ya know... I've still got that restraining order and all.
Weirdo. You got serious issues.

Don't insult me man, i just wanna see the new faces soon! Is anything wrong with that?

He isn't insulting you. Everyday there is a new face in the porno industry that looks 18 all the way up to their 40s.

You are wanting the most youngest, legal, and as of yesterday they were illegal but today they are legal hides.