In this link you can read more a bout the freezer method.
Thank you for this informative link on the freezer method.
(Now if I could just use this method on my landlady's vagina!)
In this link you can read more a bout the freezer method.
I feel so dizzy today.
I was cleaning my apartment and I had to sit down for a couple of minutes. As I mentioned in my other thread, Ive been sick for a couple of days so that's probably the reason for my dizziness. I had diarrhea and lost massive amounts of water so I'm drinking a lot of water to regain a healthy water balance.
I'm also a bit sad because the bus stop where I live has been vandalized. The lid to the trash can is missing and there are burn marks on the bench. On one of the walls, they have sprayed "Iron Maiden" so I guess it's young people who have done this (if it now was the people who sprayed who also ruined the trash can and the bench). Since the lid to the trash can is missing, the birds are now also pulling out trash on the ground so it looks very messy and dirty as well.
I don't understand why people do like this. In the end, we ALL have to pay to have it repaired through our taxes and perhaps higher bus fees.
I'll watch a BBC documentary called "Life in the Undergrowth" by David Attenborough this evening after supper. It's about insects and spiders that live in the bushes and on the ground. I'm especially interested in ants so it will be exciting to see how they build nests and collect food.
Thank you!
Are you like, 94 years old? Just wondering......
This year we will visit a restaurant to celebrate our birthdays.
I feel so dizzy today.
I was cleaning my apartment and I had to sit down for a couple of minutes. As I mentioned in my other thread, Ive been sick for a couple of days so that's probably the reason for my dizziness. I had diarrhea and lost massive amounts of water so I'm drinking a lot of water to regain a healthy water balance.
I'm also a bit sad because the bus stop where I live has been vandalized. The lid to the trash can is missing and there are burn marks on the bench. On one of the walls, they have sprayed "Iron Maiden" so I guess it's young people who have done this (if it now was the people who sprayed who also ruined the trash can and the bench). Since the lid to the trash can is missing, the birds are now also pulling out trash on the ground so it looks very messy and dirty as well.
I don't understand why people do like this. In the end, we ALL have to pay to have it repaired through our taxes and perhaps higher bus fees.
I'll watch a BBC documentary called "Life in the Undergrowth" by David Attenborough this evening after supper. It's about insects and spiders that live in the bushes and on the ground. I'm especially interested in ants so it will be exciting to see how they build nests and collect food.
I saw BBC and assumedI don't think he's British, he lives in an Apartment rather than a Flat :dunno:
You should relax; don't care about what people think of you, because on this board 95% of people are rude, 4% are very rude and I'm just awful.Hello Ulysses!
Yes, that's correct. I'm living in Sweden but I was born in India. I didn't speak English when I arrived in Sweden so I've learnt it here. I guess that they say "flat" instead of "apartment" in India.
I think it's common to mix American and British expressions when you're not an English native speaker. I'm sorry for that but I'm still learning and I'll try harder to avoid this in the future.
Thank you!
Done and done :rubbel: and I mean done.If that's your picture in your avatar I suggest you remove it, there are posters on this board that will start jacking off to it, no word of a lie.
Claim to be Russian and speak Russian. The Swedes will love you for that :yesyes:Can you recommend a good restaurant in Sweden as I may be visiting some time next year.
Make sure to ingest something salty!
Oh well, Iron Maiden are a relatively popular pop group nowadays, so I guess it could be worse. I especially adore their anthem "Champagne Supernova".
I don't care much for public television. I do like ants though.
Hello Shifty!
I've had some curry with rice this evening and it had some salt in it. I prefer pure sea salt over the traditional type with iodine in it. I believe that it's better for your health and that it tastes better.
I've never listened to Iron Maiden or "heavy metal" music so I don't know the song you mentioned. I listen to softer music and Michael Bolton and Shakira are my favourites right now. I have a friend though who used to listen to "heavy metal" music and I'll ask him if there is any significance to the fact that the vandals painted "Iron Maiden" on the bus stop and vandalized the trash can and the bench at the same time. I'm fairly sure that it was done by the same persons since the bus stop was fine the day before when I waited
for the bus to take me to my swimming lessons.
I'm sorry that I didn't explain in the first post that I have the documentary on a DVD which I borrowed from a relative (my mothers cousin's son, I don't know what it's called in English). I don't watch TV much either and I even still have a CRT-TV at home. I have looked at a couple of flat-screen TVs at Mediamarkt where I live but they are too expensive for me at the moment. My old TV is still good and I'm happy with it. It's a Sony with stereo speakers so the sound is pretty good. It has a surround emulation function so it's a fairly advanced TV-set I guess. I don't have a DVD-player so I'll watch the documentary on my computer (IBM Aptiva with 17 inch screen) which has a DVD-player / CD-burner although the burner seems to be broken. It's not my computer but I've borrowed it from my uncle so I will not spend any money to repair it.
Thank you!
Great news. Its a real good feeling to have that USB stick freed up "for other uses". But why Denmark? It's a shithole!Hello again!
I have some great news regarding the DVD-player / CD-burner combo which is installed in the PC I borrowed from my uncle. I mentioned earlier in this thread that the CD-burner didn't work but my uncle came over to me after church and took a look at it and found out that it was a software issue. He showed me how to configure the burning software in the "Settings" menu to work with the type of CD-burner which is installed. I have a problem with eye-hand coordination and find it hard to know which boxes should be selected and which buttons should be clicked. I often forget one or two critical settings when I try to do it myself with the help of a manual.
I use to download pictures of motorcycles from the Internet and save them to a USB-stick but since the CD-burner is working now, I can burn the pictures to a CD and thus be able to free up the USB-stick for other uses. When I get my driver's license for motorcycle, I'll rent a 125 cc motorcycle and take a 3 day trip to Denmark.
Thank you!
Can you recommend a good restaurant in Sweden as I may be visiting some time next year.
Great news. Its a real good feeling to have that USB stick freed up "for other uses". But why Denmark? It's a shithole!
The Danish men are also often obese so it's hard to sit next to them on buses and trains because they take up a lot of space and sweat a lot in the summer.