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  1. YumiYumi_1988

    Which Sports Team Has The Most Annoying Fans

    That's awesome.
  2. YumiYumi_1988

    im live on cam

    You're not gonna kill yourself..............right?
  3. YumiYumi_1988

    Thin person kicked off flight for fat 14-year-old to have two seats to sit in

    How does a 14 year old get that big? What the hell are his parents doing? I' m amazed these days by some of the terrible parenting that's going on out there.
  4. YumiYumi_1988

    NFL '10/'11 Season Thread.

    Hows TO gonna react to being the 3rd best receiver on his team (Antonio Bryant's a good one who just suffered thru TB's god awful QB situation) ? I'm sure he'll start tho, like Roy Williams in Dallas last year.
  5. YumiYumi_1988

    Which Sports Team Has The Most Annoying Fans

    La Lakers. Kobe Bryant fans in particular. I agree he's the best, but their arguments lack substance and objectivity.
  6. YumiYumi_1988

    Former Oakland Raider Jack Tatum dies

    RIP, the awesomest Raider ever.
  7. YumiYumi_1988

    How Long Before Fallhell is OCSM?

    Awesome. Just awesome.
  8. YumiYumi_1988

    Google image search

    No likey, they just copied msn
  9. YumiYumi_1988

    Lingerie!!!!!! What are your thoughts?????

    The extra effort is always appreciated. Some of that Victoria's Secret shit is magic.
  10. YumiYumi_1988

    Homeowner looks on as his Hawaiian house is swallowed up by a river of molten lava

    Re: Homeowner looks on as his Hawaiian house is swallowed up by a river of molten lav Nice.
  11. YumiYumi_1988

    Legal advice... old lady rear-ended my car today at stoplight

    Just for her saying that, as if it's up to her, you should Ridiculous. Old people should not be allowed to drive. And here I thought women couldn't drive.
  12. YumiYumi_1988

    Manliest Man?

    Vinnie Jones.
  13. YumiYumi_1988

    Cheerleading Is Not A Sport

    It is not a sport. But it's closer to being one than alot of the shit out there.
  14. YumiYumi_1988

    Tall girls (175cm/5.75ft, or taller) : Turn-on or turn-off ?

    Turn off. And being only 5-7, I have a limited sample to choose from.
  15. YumiYumi_1988

    2010/2011 NCAA Football Thread

    I dont know why you telling me, I'm a Florida fan. And aside from the national title, Auburn has easily been more successful than Alabama in my lifetime. And they arguably should have a title themself in it.
  16. YumiYumi_1988

    Nah, that's Alley Baggett

    Nah, that's Alley Baggett
  17. YumiYumi_1988

    The avatar is Georgia Jones... V ^_^

    The avatar is Georgia Jones... V ^_^
  18. YumiYumi_1988

    For you, no doubt

    For you, no doubt
  19. YumiYumi_1988

    Thanks for accepting muh add :D

    Thanks for accepting muh add :D
  20. YumiYumi_1988

    2010/2011 NCAA Football Thread

    Except for like 8 of the last 10 years.......
  21. YumiYumi_1988

    NBA 10'/11' Thread.

    If the Lakers get Chris Paul, let's just give them the championship now. If the Knicks do, woo-hoo, they are now an average team. If the Mavs get him, they are then 2nd best in the West. If the Magic get him, WE are the favorites in the East, not Miami (though we should be anyway....).
  22. YumiYumi_1988

    NBA 10'/11' Thread.

    Please, please, please, please..........Otis Smith, make it happen!!
  23. YumiYumi_1988

    Kardashian sisters

    Which one's the one that looks like a man? Lol don't tell me that's the one who married Lamar Odom.
  24. YumiYumi_1988

    what's the deal with chicks nowdays?

    If they were driving while doing so, yes I would.
  25. YumiYumi_1988

    Do you like roller coasters?

    No, not good for my heart.....
  26. YumiYumi_1988

    2010/2011 NCAA Football Thread

    Urban Meyer should be feeling the heat. Does he just walk around with a blindfold and earmuffs all day? Getting sick of this shit. Now we just need a few players shooting up some places and we're just like FSU, Miami, and Tennessee.
  27. YumiYumi_1988

    what's the deal with chicks nowdays?

    Well, women behind the wheel is dangerous as it is. Put a phone in their hand, and watch out.
  28. YumiYumi_1988

    Kardashian sisters

    Is this a trick question? Cuz the answer seems obvious to me.....Kim....
  29. YumiYumi_1988

    Bryci vs. Katie Banks

  30. YumiYumi_1988

    Where are y'all from??

    How often do you visit my beautiful, pleasant old hometown of Detroit?
  31. YumiYumi_1988

    2010/2011 NCAA Football Thread

    I seemingly pick Cal to win the Pac-10 every single year, thinking they're a real sleeper to contend for the national title, and they always proceed to disappoint me. I really have no idea who to pick in the Pac-10. The controversy aside, Lane Kiffin hasn't done shit as a head coach, so I...
  32. YumiYumi_1988

    2010/2011 NCAA Football Thread

    So an 'unknown' SEC school reported UF for violations. First of all, it was obviously Tennessee. C'mon, who else would it be? Second of all, I'm getting sick of these violations and arrests, we're becoming Tennessee. There's a reason I wasn't upset when Urban Meyer said he was walking away.
  33. YumiYumi_1988

    I have a confession

    Believe me. I've had those kinda moments. I get all A's in school but lack some common sense.
  34. YumiYumi_1988

    Joe Morgan Says "Pussy," in Spanish, on HR Derby Live Telecast

    Lol, I caught it as well. It's basically like saying fuck or damn it.
  35. YumiYumi_1988

    2010 World Cup Thread

    If Catalunya were a nation, they'd be a top 10 squad in the world. Check out this lineup: Victor Valdes Bruno Saltor, Gerard Pique, Carles Puyol, Joan Capdevila Xavi, Sergio Busquets, Cesc Fabregas Raul Garcia, Bojan, Andres Iniesta (though born in Castile-La Mancha is capped by Catalunya)...
  36. YumiYumi_1988


    Sounds French.
  37. YumiYumi_1988

    Shorts for men, ok or not ok?

    I wear shorts all the time. Usually jean shorts. I can pull this off as it actually looks good when you're short, given the shorts are long. Taller people look like dorks with them. I didn't realize this was odd.
  38. YumiYumi_1988

    FHM's Sexiest Woman Marisa Miller is a real hit with fans at celebrity softball game

    Re: FHM's Sexiest Woman Marisa Miller is a real hit with fans at celebrity softball g Maria Menounos and Marisa Miller are pretty, but they could use a few meals here and there. Ruben Studdard there knows what I'm talking bout.
  39. YumiYumi_1988

    NBA 10'/11' Thread.

    If that's true about Bell and muh boy T-Mac, those are good moves. Quietly, the Lakers and Magic are loading up on quality players. I'm just sad Barnes is just about gone.
  40. YumiYumi_1988

    I just love Beach Volleyball

    I don't see the joy in watching laundry boards in bikinis play a recreational sport.
  41. YumiYumi_1988

    Who has Been the Better Basketball Player, Kobe Bryant or Shaquille O'Neal?

    What title? If Orlando was shitty back then, then the Bulls were just plain average, and the Rockets were chumps.
  42. YumiYumi_1988

    We need more pics of babes with cigars!

    Game. Set. Match.
  43. YumiYumi_1988

    Hot/Cute Geek TV Characters (Chicks)

    The girl who plays Annie on Community, Alison Brie.
  44. YumiYumi_1988

    Who has Been the Better Basketball Player, Kobe Bryant or Shaquille O'Neal?

    Wait, what? You mean Shaq, the one who's more concerned with his own fame, likeability, and legacy, cares more than Kobe, who is only the fiercest competitor there is? Oh, and btw, screw Shaq, his leaving the Magic cost us at least 1 title.
  45. YumiYumi_1988

    What Do You Gentleman Like to See in a Scene??????

    Unicorns. Pink unicorns.
  46. YumiYumi_1988

    Fat Girls vs. Skinny Girls
