Hoping someone else caught this last night. The link explains the story pretty well, along with the video footage. Basically, David Ortiz says "coño," the spanish equivalent of "pussy," or "cunt," while wiping his face during a brief break in his first round of swings at the homerun derby, which is picked up by the on-field mics. Joe Morgan, the brilliant man that he thinks he is, misinterprets the meaning, and says "He's probably got coño on him," I think he was inferring that "coño," meant sweat, or something similar. Freaking idiot. "He's probably got pussy on him." I only know the meaning of the word "coño," because when I was in college I asked my spanish teacher some tips on swearing in spanish, of which he obliged. I was laughing so hard last night at the idiocy of Joe Morgan, who, if you've ever seen a game that he has announced thinks he knows EVERYTHING, even spanish apparently. Thanks for the laughs Joe Morgan.
As a side note, it seems like, especially in California where the All-Star Game and Derby are being held this year, that there are several lingual duplicities. As in, there are spanish broadcasts and broadcasters etc. for almost everything nowadays. And as snooty as the FCC seems to be lately about on-air censorship of foul language, I would have thought that they might employ a spanish language "censorer" for a live event in which several spanish speaking players were participating... just weird that as long as its in english, a "goddamn," or a "shit," or a "fuck," gets edited out with the 5-7 seocnd on-air delay that the FCC demands, but if its in spanish, "cunt" somehow goes unnoticed.
As a side note, it seems like, especially in California where the All-Star Game and Derby are being held this year, that there are several lingual duplicities. As in, there are spanish broadcasts and broadcasters etc. for almost everything nowadays. And as snooty as the FCC seems to be lately about on-air censorship of foul language, I would have thought that they might employ a spanish language "censorer" for a live event in which several spanish speaking players were participating... just weird that as long as its in english, a "goddamn," or a "shit," or a "fuck," gets edited out with the 5-7 seocnd on-air delay that the FCC demands, but if its in spanish, "cunt" somehow goes unnoticed.