Manliest Man?

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Only a tough guy would dare.


Postal Paranoiac
Brad Pitt. If he had an AK-47, a rocket launcher, muscles, and a manly face.
The Techno Viking is a bad ass.

Awesomeness personified.

The entire Love Parade massacre makes perfect sense now. The Techno Viking obviously wasn't there being super bad ass.

Germany you have nobody else to blame but yourselves. If he was there, none of this would have happened.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Holy crap. I know that Canadians will disown me, but I'm sure I could beat the crap out of Don Cherry with nothing but my ball sack. He's a twat.

You, sir, are a failure on every level. I am glad that you live in the States, because if you lived within Canada's borders I would find you and cut off your penis with a Blu-Ray copy of The Wicker Man. And not the good one, either.

EDIT: There is a pornstar called A Blu? Seriously?


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Or maybe this guy.

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