This is 100% serious...
The outside outlet on our house in the back hasn't worked at all since I've moved in, so whenever I want to be on my laptop in the backyard I have to run an extension cord from inside to the backyard...
Now this is where it gets bad...
I've tried to fix this many times in the past and I could not figure out how to do it. I've reset the circuit breaker and different things, but still couldn't find out how to do it, so I gave up until now. I thought maybe if I checked if the outlet had a reset switch on it I could fix...
Well it does and I fixed it by just pushing the button in to reset it.
Please don't call me stupid unless your an idiot. That would be an understatement to call me stupid. I prefer uncapable man that can't even fix a mere simple problem.
The outside outlet on our house in the back hasn't worked at all since I've moved in, so whenever I want to be on my laptop in the backyard I have to run an extension cord from inside to the backyard...
Now this is where it gets bad...
I've tried to fix this many times in the past and I could not figure out how to do it. I've reset the circuit breaker and different things, but still couldn't find out how to do it, so I gave up until now. I thought maybe if I checked if the outlet had a reset switch on it I could fix...
Well it does and I fixed it by just pushing the button in to reset it.
Please don't call me stupid unless your an idiot. That would be an understatement to call me stupid. I prefer uncapable man that can't even fix a mere simple problem.