
Heads up to all you guys, i learned the hard way but should not be visited under any circumstances...Cock galore, they pop up everywhere without warning.

Cock, Black screen, Cock!, Black Screen, Holy shit! more cock!:eek:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Yes I have heard of this, one of the local radio shows in Boston did a bit about it and it was fucking hilarious.
So you kept running into Dirk, BlueBalls and stan during your chatroulette session?
Heads up to all you guys, i learned the hard way but should not be visited under any circumstances...Cock galore, they pop up everywhere without warning.

Cock, Black screen, Cock!, Black Screen, Holy shit! more cock!:eek:

You say that like it is a bad thing. We were trying to give you a treat!

So you kept running into Dirk, BlueBalls and stan during your chatroulette session?

Damn right. See if we share the goods again.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Is it something like Russian Roulette? :shy:
I tried it only cause it got mentioned here, first Ive heard of it and I thought it was quite funny. Though the first guy I spoke to did insist on seeing my joke!


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Still you guys perservere and think you are going see some naked woman, shame shame.
:1orglaugh Tosh.0 has talked about/shown it a lot on his shows......not for me, thanks! Why is it always dudes? Why couldn't it be screen....beav......


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
The internet should not be used by in-the-closet homosexuals who use it to unleash their weird, perverted fantasies on innocent civilians. That is not what Al Gore intended. :nono:


This should be in the "Cocks are a turn-on thread". They would appreciate it especially Nokternal.

Quickly, someone PM him this link.
So I was just on an amateur site and they had some videos of some pretty sexy girls that they claimed were on chatroulette. So for the first time I decided to see what this site is like... It is nothing but penises. It's a bunch of dudes who claim to be looking for girls but all they're doing is jerking off to one another trying to find a girl, hopping from dick to dick. Never doing that again