And to add to my above post...
In terms of percentage of total population that has lost their lives to war/terrorism; America has gotten off far lighter then many countries. But yet many Americans seem to act like what happened to them on 9/11 is worse then anything that ever happened anywhere in the last 10 years. And that simply is not true.
I don't think ayone has ever said it was the worst thing that ever happened to them, except for the wives, friends families and children of those who were murdered that day. So tell that to them.
[/QUOTE]And some of these same Americans use it to justify doing terrible things to their fellow humans simply out of fear that it might happen again.[/QUOTE]
Exactly what are these terrible things? Do you mean removing the Taliban from Afghanistan or Saddam from Iraq? You act like the U.S. are the ones blowing up city streets, buses, trains ect. with the intention of killing everyone in the viscinity. Do you have some deep rooted guilt complex?
[/QUOTE]And yet other countries put up with terroism on a monthly/weekly/daily basis and just shrug it off as an unfortunate part of life..[/QUOTE]
Oh then its ok then, Its just an unfortunate part of life so we shouldn't do anything to stop it, just accept it until we are destroyed. You sound like Hillary and Obama, they've said the same thing.
Maybe you can accept it , but not me
.[/QUOTE]Americans had it incredibly easy terrorist wise for a long time. Now they have tasted it and they don't like it...[/QUOTE]
Well Duh
[/QUOTE]Well join the party people. Much of the rest of the world has had to put up with far worse for far longer. And they realize it is just reality. You cannot avoid it. You can just do your best to limit it and live with it.
And this world would - IMO - be allot better off if America learned that as well.[/QUOTE]
Again, so just stand by and let people who have vowed to kill us just fuck us up anytime they'd like.Blow up a building with thousands inside, hijack planes, blow up buses and subways and trains. Kill civillians at will and ultimatley Destroy us all,and do nothing to stop or at least try to prevent it? Accept it and realize you can't avoid it? The 2 words I want to say to you would get me banned.
Damn you sound like an Al-Quada spokesman. We got Tokyo Rose over here."The Statue of Liberty is Kaput"
Its people with your attitude that are going to bring on the fall of the United States. What scares me is too many people in the U.S. are suffering from the same affliction as you.
What you are saying is just let terrorists commit acts of terrorism at will until they do something really big. And just accept it. No. Not me.
If a large portion of the United States is destroyed, thousands or millions will be dead, the country will cease production, there will be no water, no electricty, no lights,no gas, no places to buy food or other products, marshal law will kick in, widespread looting, no more school, no more work, the economy will be destroyed and life as we know it will be gone forever.
Sounds pretty grim, but if we (The United States) does what you say we should do thats what will eventually happen.