Is the United States on the verge of civil war?


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I guess when you re-read what you just posted, you will notice that you really gave gone over the top.

On a more general note:

This and most other threads in here have developed into shouting matches. Noone actually believes that he will make the others see his point, and you just try to be the more badass mofos.

Which - in a rather anonymous environment like this - is completely futile.
Gun confiscation legislation or a SCOTUS ruling severely limiting 2nd amendment rights or gun ownership would spark a civil war. Make no mistake about that. The impeachment and senate conviction of Trump would also spark a civil war.

It’s something that I would join and would be willing to die for.

Impeachment of the oompah loompah would spark celebration.
If you joined whatever limited insurrection firmed you would spend your last days in a federal prison.
Being a martyr for that dipshit is just silly.
The 2nd amendment isnt going anywhere this is fact.
I guess when you re-read what you just posted, you will notice that you really gave gone over the top.

On a more general note:

This and most other threads in here have developed into shouting matches. Noone actually believes that he will make the others see his point, and you just try to be the more badass mofos.

Which - in a rather anonymous environment like this - is completely futile.
No, you only think someone has gone over the edge if they are willing to die to preserve freedom.
Impeachment of the oompah loompah would spark celebration.
No doubt amongst many and maybe even a slim majority but as it stands now even a majority of Americans oppose impeachment.

There are millions that wouldn’t take the wrongful removal of a president sitting down.
If you joined whatever limited insurrection firmed you would spend your last days in a federal prison.
Being a martyr for that dipshit is just silly.
The 2nd amendment isnt going anywhere this is fact.

That would require your side winning. No one would be a martyr for Trump, they would be a martyr for freedom and the wrongful overturning of an election because fascists like you didn’t like the result of an election.
I would like to focus on how the left would get their asses kicked.

I believe it would start in D.C. with thousands moving onto the Capitol to forcibly removed socialist filth from the halls of power. It would also involve half of the country not recognizing the government or its leader or the rule of law. You know, kinda like now.
That would require your side winning. No one would be a martyr for Trump, they would be a martyr for freedom and the wrongful overturning of an election because fascists like you didn’t like the result of an election.

Fascist??? You haven’t been paying attention.
Keep drinking the ass cool aid it seems to have affected your grip on reality.
I believe it would start in D.C. with thousands moving onto the Capitol to forcibly removed socialist filth from the halls of power. It would also involve half of the country not recognizing the government or its leader or the rule of law. You know, kinda like now.

Half?? Not even close.
A few hopped up fools is about all you could muster.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Hoping for the murder of fellow citizens because of political disagreements is, truly, beyond the pale.

And this shit coming from two ass clowns that were, oh-so-outraged that I shot a stray dog that was a threat to both livestock and children.

I'm reaching the point where it's going to be either these two pieces of shit are banned for good or I'm the fuck out of here one way or the other.
Hoping for the murder of fellow citizens because of political disagreements is, truly, beyond the pale.

And this shit coming from two ass clowns that were, oh-so-outraged that I shot a stray dog that was a threat to both livestock and children.

I'm reaching the point where it's going to be either these two pieces of shit are banned for good or I'm the fuck out of here one way or the other.

I'm just going to leave that right there.

One, I didn't call for a civil war if you bothered to read. And two, in a war, the casualties on each side trying to kill each other, i.e., combatants, wouldn't be considered "murder" unless war crimes were involved.

And you're reaching that point NOW with your revenge?

I don't give enough of a shit about you to want you banned for good or for a day. But it is funny calling you out on what a weirdo you are.



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You can leave it in your ass, that's where it was intended, murderdouche.
Hoping for the murder of fellow citizens because of political disagreements is, truly, beyond the pale.

And this shit coming from two ass clowns that were, oh-so-outraged that I shot a stray dog that was a threat to both livestock and children.

I'm reaching the point where it's going to be either these two pieces of shit are banned for good or I'm the fuck out of here one way or the other.
No one is hoping for a civil war dipwad. We aren’t the ones whining incessantly for the past 26 months over the results of an election and a duly elected president. We are not the ones whining like little bitches over the nomination of a Supreme Court Justice and making a once dignified process a circus of interruptions and uncorroborated allegations and stall tactics.
The climate for civil war has been set and lies squarely at the feet of letwingers like you. You’re the one that has hinted of violence at politicians that you don’t like and they have families and children too.
But yeah, you’re a piece of shit for shooting dogs on your property.

The thought of a civil war triggers you wingnuts because you know you’d lose.
A bit of advice, don’t start none, won’t be none.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Nice try trying to gloss over the eight years of Obama hate that turned the far right into rabid dogs. Ya'll the two masturbating to the fantasy of murdering, "leftist scum", but you would both be better served with your heads stuck on those shoot-em-up video games, that's about as much courage as either of you will ever have.
The climate for civil war has been set and lies squarely at the feet of letwingers like you. You’re the one that has hinted of violence at politicians that you don’t like and they have families and children too.
But yeah, you’re a piece of shit for shooting dogs on your property.

Just think about this - there's been far more outrage about a kid smirking in a MAGA hat than someone shooting and attempting to MURDER republican congressmen on a baseball field.

The thought of a civil war triggers you wingnuts because you know you’d lose.

exactly. They wouldn't be shooting at stray dogs.