I have been diligently avoiding flaming through out the thread. I don't see a flame war here, just a discussion among people with very different points of view on an interesting subject..
What I would consider an ideal society is one where the question of God and religion simply never came up in serious conversation other than from a historical point of view.
In ancient Greece and the Roman Empire the people had a very limited understanding of the workings and goings on in the world around them. They had not developed many ways to test theories about nature and how it works. To compensate they used religion to explain the then unexplainable.
They truly believed in Zues, Hera, Hercules, and all the other myths that went along with them. But if you asked some one today if they believed in the Greek or Roman gods and Goddesses they would think you were joking.
I hope that in the future we as a more educated, enlightened, and deeper thinking (things have to change drastically, I know), culture, we will look back on all religion with this attitude. If I walked up to you in this future and asked you if you believed in God,
You Might respond by saying, "You mean like in ancient Christian Myths?" And you would think the question silly.