You're sexy when you're talking all scholarly... :shy:
Just ask, big boy...
oral sex definition
Function: n: oral stimulation of the genitals : CUNNILINGUS FELLATIO
You're sexy when you're talking all scholarly... :shy:
Name them. Examples. Quotes from the scientific community denouncing the existence of God. Come on mister know it all. You can't because there is no such proof either way.
...and you wouldn't wanna be buried in me! :eek:So here's what we can do: you can stop arguing about this now, or I can kill all of you and bury you in my backyard. I'm cool either way.
I checked the records, and in the 54,830,935 threads on religion, nobody ever convinced anyone else to switch sides. Crazy, huh? I mean, you would think that since we argue about it ever fucking day, somebody might have been swayed to believe a different way. But sadly, that hasn't happened yet.
So here's what we can do: you can stop arguing about this now, or I can kill all of you and bury you in my backyard. I'm cool either way.
I checked the records, and in the 54,830,935 threads on religion, nobody ever convinced anyone else to switch sides. Crazy, huh? I mean, you would think that since we argue about it ever fucking day, somebody might have been swayed to believe a different way. But sadly, that hasn't happened yet.
I admit that's impressive. But i don't think we're talking about religion. I personally do not believe in religion I believe in spirituality. That there's something greater than me and the human race. I look at it like this, if I believe in God and it turns out there isn't one then I lose nothing. On the other hand if there is a God then I gain everything.
That's not true religious people lose their "faith" and atheists "Find God" all the time.
I view spirituality, religion, and superstition all to be of the same nature and equally silly. They are also all equally disprovable by very similar, if not identical, arguments such as the ones I have already given.
That's not true religious people lose their "faith" and atheists "Find God" all the time.
Argument fail/10 - your head, a toilet: make friends.
I look at it like this, if I believe in God and it turns out there isn't one then I lose nothing. On the other hand if there is a God then I gain everything.
It is impossible to hate something that does not exist.
By the very holy (and i mean having lots of holes in it, not the religious sense of the word)
1. holey - having holes or full of holes.
2. holy - religious sense, worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousness.
Intelligence fail/10 - you're on a role, man. Keep it up! :thumbsup:
I said that what you said was impressive I didn't say it was true or that you showed any proof.
Oh and THAT argument is so mature and convincing. :rofl:
By the very holy (and i mean having lots of holes in it, not the religious sense of the word) definition of God then theoretically if God does exist then you should still have everything to gain even if you don't believe in him. You should just be able to live a good and moral life and still get into heaven whether you were religious or not. It shouldn't be about doing this :bowdown: it should be about doing what is right BECAUSE IT IS RIGHT.
This brings me to another point. If God does exist (which he does not) as defined by religion then he is undeniably and unequivocally Evil.
I hate sith lords.
Your move.
Spelling Police: To Serve and Correct. lol
And I am sure you have NEVER had a typo before. Right?
Now are you going to offer ANYTHING relevant to the OP's topic or what?
Whatever dude. I can't get it through your thick fuckin skull that I am not religious, and I bow to no one. I'm going to find more pics of Penny Mathias. Later.
Feel free to examine my posts for spelling errors. I might have made an occasional grammatical mistake (highly unlikely), but I mastered spelling after third grade.
I'm an atheist, but I don't try to convince other people to believe the same way that I do. I can respect that religion has advantages for certain people, and I leave it at that.