Lux has Trump Tourette Syndrome unable to keep Trump's name out of his mouth so he might as well consume him entirely.
Does it bother you that I accurately refer to Trump as an evil ahole?
If you look at what he's done in the past two years alone, downplaying the pandemic with disinformation to try to win the 2020 elections, causing the continuing deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. The irony is, if he had been honest about the pandemic and done the right thing, he would have won the 2020 election.
Callously planning and inciting the January 6, 2021 insurrection coup attempt to try to overthrow the US government. Resulting in the deaths of police and Trumptards, injuring hundreds of people, and destroying the lives of countless Trumptards, further dividing and weakening America.
Knowing this I don't understand why you don't hate evil ahole Trump???