

Nattering Nabob of Negativism
It looks ugly, but a few items come to my mind:
  • Who changes their mind for $100?
  • $100 is probably cheaper than caring for them in a hospital.
  • If it stops the pandemic, it would be worth it.
At this point, I would directly pay $100 into a fund if it would end the pandemic within a week.
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It looks ugly, but a few items to my mind:
  • Who changes their mind for $100?
  • $100 is probably cheaper than caring for them in a hospital.
  • If it stops the pandemic, it would be worth it.
At this point, I would directly pay $100 into a fund if it would end the pandemic within a week.
I understand that they're desperate and at this point it's worth a shot and may be more economical & effective in the end. They fight masking mandates, vaccine passports, and mandatory vaccinations are never going to be on the table. Most places have to decide between the stick and the carrot. For them, the stick is never an option, it's just a question of how big the carrot is. It's a horrible precedent to set.

Also, if you live in that province, as a taxpayer, you actually are paying into a fund to payout the unvaccinated. Except you have no assurances it will work.




Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Not all school districts agree with the Texas governor:

The announcement states that there are 204 active COVID-19 cases in the district with 781 students under quarantine. Four classes had to be moved online and a student program had to be canceled due to the number of coronavirus cases.

Great article from Politico:
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And just when you thought your hands were full with COVID...
Authorities racing to contain deadly Nipah virus outbreak in India (

Nipah is considered less contagious than the coronavirus, but it's much higher mortality rate, a longer incubation period of up to 45 days, and its ability to infect a much wider variety of animals all make Nipah a cause of significant concern for epidemiologists trying to predict and prevent the next pandemic.

How much more deadly?
According to the World Health Organization, up to 75% of Nipah infections prove fatal. The mortality rate for the coronavirus, by comparison, is believed to be about 2%. About 20% of survivors experience neurological symptoms that can persist, including seizures and personality changes.

Given that the delta variant originated in India, I'd definitely keep this on the radar.


According to the World Health Organization, up to 75% of Nipah infections prove fatal. The mortality rate for the coronavirus, by comparison, is believed to be about 2%. About 20% of survivors experience neurological symptoms that can persist, including seizures and personality changes.
Is the 20% referring to Nipah or Covid???
Is the 20% referring to Nipah or Covid???

An infected human typically shows symptoms including fever and headache for anywhere between three days and two weeks, followed by a cough, sore throat and respiratory issues. The condition later progresses swiftly to swelling in the brain cells, leading to drowsiness, confusion, and then possible coma and death.

There is no cure or vaccine for Nipah yet, and patients are only given supportive medical care.
Given the above, I'd say the 20% refers to the Nipah. So even if you are among the lucky 25% who survive, you're not home free. We just really have to hope it doesn't mutate into a more contagious variant, since that's basically the only thing holding it back.
Speaking of carrots and sticks - Delta Airlines is upping its employees contributions for health care by $200 a month (!), if they are not vaccinated:
At this point, it seems to be clear: the carrot doesn't work. You need to get out the stick for the holdouts.

Alberta's vaccine lottery had little effect on boosting vaccination rates, doctors say​

An analysis of Alberta Health daily vaccine data shows that after the $3 million vaccine lottery was announced on June 12, and travel prizes a few days later, there was an increase in first-dose rates. But by mid-July, when outdoor prizes were added to the lottery, first-dose vaccination numbers had largely plateaued.

Physicians in the province say a vaccine passport or stronger restrictions on access to public spaces for those not vaccinated is needed to boost vaccine rates in the province — not more incentives.

"The lottery really didn't have a particularly significant effect. And so I'm not sure that an individual incentive will make a huge difference, either,"
Doctors in Alberta say the answer to increasing vaccine rates is not more incentives, but a vaccine passport or mandate that will restrict those without a first or second dose from visiting certain public places.

If you look at the graph in the article, you can really see why little effect the incentives had. Combined with the fact that vaccination rates everywhere jump significantly when governments announce measures like vaccine passports, I think it's clear what is more effective.




The 4th wave is upon us...if there is a 5th wave it may be worse. :(

Israel was down to a handful of daily COVID cases. Now it's around 11,000. What happened?

Israel was a leader in the COVID vaccination race – so why are cases spiralling there?

Against all odds: how New Zealand is bending the Delta curve

Get vaccinated NOW and wear a mask FFS !!!!! :mad:
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