X-man getting beat right now.
who's that ? :dunno: Malisse?
if so, yep, he got beat by a much comfortable Roger.
next, the swedish assassin. Roger is 15-1 against him. Yep, no typo, FIFTEEN TO ONE. Talk about one-sided h2h (however, "only" 3-1 in clay)
Tennis won't be relevant as it once used to be, unless Ryan Harrison becomes the next great American tennis player.
you're from the USA, i presume.
if so, you need to understand that the tennis world (and the entire world) doesn't go around USA. That was a decade ago, with Pete and Andre (and Courier and Chang) or maybe some more back with JMc or JimmyC. But this decade ? pffff... Fish ? Isner ? Querry ? A-Rod ? nah.
and if not, you really don't know what you're talking about. Don't mean to be harsh, but you don't.
We are living one of the greatest eras in men's tennis history. Roger, Rafa, Nole and Delpo are (and will be) between top-10 of all-time. And we get the lucky prerogative to watch them play between them every two weeks.
on the other side, the WTA is indeed , let's say, miserable, right now.
but NOT the men's side.
:2 cents: