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  1. P

    Amazing unknown or unheard of pornstars

    Elena Grimaldi. Fucking amazing.
  2. P

    Am I wrong for thinking tha two in the mouth at the same time is hot?

    After reading this thread, I still have a whole lot of throwin' up to do.
  3. P

    Fuck all Religion!

    Oh I see. At least you recognized the proclamation that god provided him anything at all is merely conjecture and speculation at best.
  4. P

    Am I wrong for thinking tha two in the mouth at the same time is hot?

    The thought of my cock rubbing up against another guy's cock is just so hot, especially if that cock is black and over 10". That's just such a great feeling, my cock rubbing against a sweaty, vein engorged mushroom headed stick of flesh, with no natural lubrication, softness, or warmth to it...
  5. P

    Fuck all Religion!

    what the fuck's that supposed to mean?
  6. P

    Fuck all Religion!

    Hmmm, that story seems shaky at best. God's been a pretty busy guy supplying all those things to you because, in the order you listed them, here's who gave ME those things: My pot dealer, the internet, the grocery store, the internet (again), and most precious of all, my parents. That's what...
  7. P

    Report: Tribe wants apology for use of the word "Geronimo" during raid fuck them.
  8. P

    Maxim 2011 Hot 100

    The guys who write Maxim, and most of their readers, are fags.
  9. P

    Online poker sites just got indicted... hope you guys dont have any $$$ in your accts

    Re: Online poker sites just got indicted... hope you guys dont have any $$$ in your a I just heard on CNBC the top 3 sites, Full Tilt, PokerStars, and Absolute, had an estimate combined value of $30 billion on thursday night, and are now worth less than half of that. ESPN (disney) earned over...
  10. P

    i feel like im a joke...

    When I was 25 all I could do was drink, smoke pot, take qualudes, and end up in jail. I even had a college degree at the time but was just too damn dumb to do anything good with my life. Now, not too many years later (a lady never tells her age) I'm self employed, own a house and have no...
  11. P

    folks who does porn are going to hell?

    go fuck yourself.
  12. P

    Funniest Porn Scene

    that guy needs to shut the fuck up.
  13. P

    Online poker sites just got indicted... hope you guys dont have any $$$ in your accts

    Re: Online poker sites just got indicted... hope you guys dont have any $$$ in your a Charges include fraud, bribery, and money laundering. Thank god my benevolent government has taken their money and shut them down so they can give trillions in tarp money and bailouts to AIG, Merrill Lynch...
  14. P

    Monica Sweetheart vs. Silvia Saint

    Must you ask? Silvia Saint to me is the hottest woman alive.
  15. P

    Eliminating $1 Bills Could Save Billions

    Why do people always say "he's better than dubya"? Although an untrained monkey eating his own shit is better than "dubya", I'd still rather have the monkey than Obama.
  16. P

    Anita Blue Ask Me Anything

    Given the current instability in the middle east, the "wild west" state of affairs in Russia, the United States insatiable desire to print money and our refusal to procure any of our own damn oil, just how high do you think crude oil will sell per barrel at the peak of the summer travel season...
  17. P

    Eliminating $1 Bills Could Save Billions

    Wow, they could save 5.5 billion over 30 years? SO WHAT? There was a study by our own government last week that found we could save 150 billion EVERY YEAR if the beauracrats would eliminate duplicituous jobs and programs. They're never going to do that either so why would we give another...
  18. P

    Schiller's List

    For not being a dillusionaly raging liberal who will side with Muslim donors while trashing his own countrymen with baseless lies and dispersions upon their character. If that undercover video by O'keefe (I think his name is, I'm not much into checking on things) doesn't tell you all you need...
  19. P

    Tea Party Fools????

    Your point?
  20. P

    Tea Party Fools????

    Unionized workers make up 12% of the work force in the US. You think the other 88% are working in some sort of awful, inhumane, unfair working conditions amid soul crushing poverty while eating bugs to stay alive? Wake up. It's not 1905 anymore.
  21. P

    What would it take for one of us to set up our own porn site.

    Easy. You'll need a 7 gram rock, a bag of viagra, a couple video cameras and start hanging around 18 year girls from broken homes.
  22. P

    Dad: I'll kill my son's murderer if he's released...

    Fire away guy! and shoot the judge who lets him out while pot dealers and drug addicts get on average 3 times longer sentences than murderers and rapist. Shoot all the liberals too.
  23. P

    Would It Bother You If

    Nah, if she's been lucky enough to find two guys as good looking as me....:rofl:
  24. P

    'The Greatest Rapper Of All Time Died On March 9th'

    I didn't know he was dead, he keeps putting records out. :dunno:
  25. P

    Do you care about world events?

    No. The "news" when it comes to world events is just about strife, conflict, religious atrocities, rising prices, and Justin Beiber. I'm sure all that shit constitutes only about 5% of everything going on. I'm optimistic that the other 95% going on in the world is cool shit like people...
  26. P

    Facebook will soon share users’ phone numbers and addresses with 3rd parties

    NO. why would anyone put their phone number or address on facebook anyway? You're sharing that info with facebook (again, why?), why would anyone expect that a for-profit business wouldn't use any and all resources cultivated in the course of doing business to....make more profit by selling...
  27. P

    What Are You Drinking Right Now?

    New Belgium Ranger India Pale Ale
  28. P

    So, my boss gave me $100...

    gram of blow and a pack of smokes.
  29. P

    How hot is Hayden Winters?

    Hayden is north of the equator, so Hayden winters are not that hot at all.
  30. P

    The Greatest Frontman In Rock n' Roll History Is?

    there is no time the word "greatest" will ever be associated with the band Oasis. Sure, they're ok but....but nothing, they're ok, that's it.
  31. P

    Witch Pronstar Wuld U Like 2 Cut Ur Lawn Wit?

    when it comes to cutting the grass, I guess any of the Mexican porn stars will do
  32. P

    what pornstar would u like to fuck so badly ?

    Shit. I could think I'm titty fucking her when it's actually dry humping her armpit, lick her belly button for half an hour thinking it's her clit, and tell her that her sweet breath reminds me of my Uncle Delbert's homemade whiskey.....and I'd still be better at fucking than robertstyle is at...
  33. P

    Obama: It's time for Libya's Gadhafi to go

    Yes, opinions are like run-on sentences. Everybody's got one and they all stink.
  34. P

    Town Hall questioner: "Who is going to shoot Obama?"

    Why should the congressman cut of the questioner's penis?
  35. P

    Kadafi Death Pool

    While your methods sound, at least on paper, a little extreme, I agree with what you're saying.
  36. P

    Who is your favorite Viking?

    I can't believe nobody's mentioned Cris Carter! A great American story of triumph over addiction and overcoming one's personal demons.
  37. P

    Town Hall questioner: "Who is going to shoot Obama?"

    I'm a Roper fan too. Furley strapped on those skis and headed straight toward the shark ramp.....
  38. P

    Favorite Punk/Gothic/Emo Pornstars?

    Re: Favorite Gothic/Emo Pornstars? Didn't know there were any. The whole concept of goth/emo sucks, it's unattractive, and it needs a fucking tan.
  39. P

    Kadafi Death Pool

    God we can only hope, in that shithole of a country.....
  40. P

    ar what woif u have to choose nstuld she be ?one por

    To answer your question, she'd be a tax accountant.
  41. P

    Do you like bananas.......

    "Do you like bananas? Well, I got her number, how 'bout them bananas!?"
  42. P

    Obama: It's time for Libya's Gadhafi to go

    Obama, perhaps it's time for YOU to go too. You're a joke in the international community and you don't carry the gravitas of former presidents of the US, even that retard G.W. Bush. In the past 3 weeks, all you've done is echo the sentiments of the angry mob of protesters in Egypt, Wisconsin...
  43. P

    If you like TeasersVOD please vote for us at the Galaxy Awards

    Gimme a 3 day password to your product and I'll consider voting for it. Unlike the millions of fuckhead Americans responsible for this commie bastard in the white house, I don't for something without first checking the facts.
  44. P

    what's the hottest n the prettiest pornstar ?

    I think...well, you see....nah, not getting involved.
  45. P

    Is Obama really (born) American or Not?

    No matter where he was born he's a narcissistic communist. And that's not very American.
  46. P

    Does poker involve more luck, or skill?

    The WSOP broadcasts basically only show the huge hands where some guy dominates another with 2 Aces vs 2 Kings, or the hands where the flush draw hits the river and the guys sucks out on the other guy that flopped a set of 9s for a HUGE pot. Those are about 5% of the hands in a poker...