just remember jesus was a white guy from galilee and everything will be all right
just remember jesus was a white guy from galilee and everything will be all right
How can you hate on something with no proof it doesn't exist? I don't believe either, but starting threads just to spew hate is retarded. Nobody gives a shit about the people that shove religion in our faces, and we don't give a shit about the people that shove their disbelief in our faces either.
Pray and see what fuckin results you get! My god is Raquel Darrian's fuckin cunt! god be praised!
I tried that once.....I'm still waiting for Heather Vandeven
one of the major issues i have with religious belief is that this world is just a primer for a 'real' world that comes later, there's no incentive to fix this world when your primary goal in life is to leave it
Firstly, to each his/her own.
But in my mind, religion is simply another word for control. It's like being on a team.
There are basically two types of people in this world:
- (1) Those who allow others to dictate what they believe and how they should live.
- (2) Those who choose to decide for themselves what to believe and how to live.
IMO, Group (1) needs to be more discerning.
I've felt the same way before; but if there's no afterlife there's not a lot of incentive for some people to fix this world if it's just transitory.
I think the only "saving grace" is experience of the unknown and sharing it with others in a manner that resembles the golden rule.
In other words we're all Astronauts on the spaceship Earth. We can sit around raping each other till we die or we can try and find something meaningful or intelligent while we have the time to do so.
Though through a more cosmic perspective evil things really aren't much different than good things. It's all the same.
/shrug life is like a pop quiz you didn't study for and can't finish in time.
Unlike many of you I do believe in God & Religion is part of my life. Without it I would be lost, I am a Catholic but also believe God isn't such a mean, strict, heartless, faceless being alot of people make him out to be, After all he gave us weed, tits, beer, porn and most precious of all, lifeFeel free to laugh, Sinners
Hmmm, that story seems shaky at best. God's been a pretty busy guy supplying all those things to you because, in the order you listed them, here's who gave ME those things:
My pot dealer, the internet, the grocery store, the internet (again), and most precious of all, my parents.
That's what I KNOW.
God works in mysterious and unconvincing ways? :dunno: