Saddam interview tapes released


The former leader appears to view Iran as the biggest threat to Iraq, which was why he says he kept UN inspectors out in the late 1990s, even though he had already got rid of all his weapons of mass destruction.

He preferred to risk American anger, he said, than to let Iran know how weak Iraq had become.

of course, not everything he says can (or should be) taken at face value, but it find this stuff quite interesting.

of course, not everything he says can (or should be) taken at face value, but it find this stuff quite interesting.

I believe that, it makes sense and most experts on the matter believed consistent to what you excerpted from the story.

I mean, how could Saddam have imagined AQ would attack America and as a result, he would end up dangling from a hangman's noose???

His most immediate threat was always his neighbor to the east and the only reason he invaded Kuwait was because Kuwait demanded (at our prodding) Iraq repay the funding the Kuwaitis assisted Saddam with in fighting Iran. After all, the road to Mecca and Medina for the Iranians would have gone straight through Kuwait so it was in the Kuwaitis interests (along with the Saudis and the US, {Saddam's primary backers in that war}) that Iran be stopped.

Saddam basically told the Kuwaitis to fuck off...and if you keep fucking with me...Kuwait doesn't really exist. As it's really a part of Iraq....The Kuwaitis responded by side drilling and tapping Iraq's oil reserves. Hence the reason for the scorched earth tactic Iraq employed in setting ablaze the Kuwaiti oil rigs...
Thats some interesting shit i would love to hear the tapes... translated of course.
I believe that, it makes sense and most experts on the matter believed consistent to what you excerpted from the story.

I mean, how could Saddam have imagined AQ would attack America and as a result, he would end up dangling from a hangman's noose???

His most immediate threat was always his neighbor to the east and the only reason he invaded Kuwait was because Kuwait demanded (at our prodding) Iraq repay the funding the Kuwaitis assisted Saddam with in fighting Iran. After all, the road to Mecca and Medina for the Iranians would have gone straight through Kuwait so it was in the Kuwaitis interests (along with the Saudis and the US, {Saddam's primary backers in that war}) that Iran be stopped.

Saddam basically told the Kuwaitis to fuck off...and if you keep fucking with me...Kuwait doesn't really exist. As it's really a part of Iraq....The Kuwaitis responded by side drilling and tapping Iraq's oil reserves. Hence the reason for the scorched earth tactic Iraq employed in setting ablaze the Kuwaiti oil rigs...


There's a bit more though.
Kuwait was, until 1948, the 14th province of..................................Iraq.

Kuwait was annexed by the Brits/Yanks from what was Iraq.........when oil was discovered there in 1948.
Quel surprise.

Saddam wanted to annex Kuwait and restore the geographical territory that was Iraq, by invading kuwait.
Hmm. I'm not sure he had any reason to lie, although the body double thing was hilarious. I do wonder if he ever thought Dubya was dumb or desperate enough to invade. I guess he was wrong on that one. :dunno: He was a terrible dictator, for sure, but he was hardly a threat to the U.S. or the World. Hell, it would be nice to have him "dealing with" Iran today rather than us. One less problem for us to deal with.
I do wonder if he ever thought Dubya was dumb or desperate enough to invade. I guess he was wrong on that one.

It wasn't a matter of Bush being dumb or desperate....Invading Iraq was part of a defense strategy posture concocted at the end of the "Cold War".

It was concluded by some that since the Russians were now our "friends" the defense posture of massing troops in Europe for the purpose of helping to defend our European allies from them was passe'.

There was the belief that the US was then in a position to crush any challenge to our new world dominance, if not emerging empire. Those challenges in the new century were likely to emerge from the middle east. Therefore a fertile ground to reseed our military posture and the opportunity to do so was needed.

Iraq was the target as far back as maybe '88 or '89. They were a fairly cosmopolitan, secular people, they were lead by a despot who was member of a minority within his own borders and any such war effort could be paid for by the light sweet crude under their sand.:2 cents:


Hmm. I'm not sure he had any reason to lie, although the body double thing was hilarious. I do wonder if he ever thought Dubya was dumb or desperate enough to invade. I guess he was wrong on that one. :dunno: He was a terrible dictator, for sure, but he was hardly a threat to the U.S. or the World. Hell, it would be nice to have him "dealing with" Iran today rather than us. One less problem for us to deal with.

you already tried that, and in resulted in FAIL.