No no no no nooooo noooo noooo!

Really!? This is just wrong!
Poop Shoot?
You gotta ask yourself, what were they thinking?


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
New Age version of the story of Job, except instead of a whale, he is eaten by an elephant, and this way the kids get to relive the experience in fun way.

Man, that was a lot typing for something that ended up not that funny
New Age version of the story of Job, except instead of a whale, he is eaten by an elephant, and this way the kids get to relive the experience in fun way.

Man, that was a lot typing for something that ended up not that funny

Sorry to be a pain but wrong too, it wasn't Job but some other guy that ended up in the whale, maybe Jesus or something.
Often referred to as "little shits"... it's official

Best joke yet!^

Sadly the kids are going to have this filed away in their brain and then it will come back to haunt them later in life...

"The slide came out of its ass"
"Well, I believe this is why you don't have any friends, you have a mental block"