It's debatable that porn is an "art form"... though some might argue that it is, could be or should be. But anyway, porn takes many different forms. In the 70's, you had porn movies that were actually pretty interesting and well written movies, that just happened to include full penetration sex. Now, any monkey with a video camera and $500 to hire a girl is a "porn producer". Just like with movies, some is art... some I would classify as lame attempts to make some money.
Without making this an overly long post, I believe in the concept of free will: unless someone is coercing you, you have the ability to make choices. I always thought Cassandra Cruz was pretty cute and sexy. Why she did that disturbing scene in Latina Abuse (that some say made her retire), I have no idea. But I can't blame the guys who made the movie or directed the scene. They offered her money to do certain things, she took the money and she did what was asked of her. She let her self be treated like an animal. I didn't see it as being up to them to look after her - that's what she, as an adult, has to do for herself. And unfortunately, she didn't appeal to me so much after I saw that scene.
All that to say, for the women who think that porn demeans or degrades women, don't do porn. For the men who believe that porn demeans or degrades women, dont' watch porn.
No offense to you, Ghaleon, as I think it's a fair question. I'm just very big on forcing people to take responsibility for their own actions. IMO, we've become too much a world that allows people to make themselves out to be victims... even of themselves.