Sport With The Worst Officiating

What Sport Has The Worst Officiating?

  • Baseball

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • Football (American...NFL)

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Football (

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Football (Rest of the to us Yanks)

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • Hockey

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Basketball

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • Tennis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cricket

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rugby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 10.0%

  • Total voters


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
After watching the umpires blow 2 really critical calls in the Phils-Yanks game last night (Utley was clearly safe at first on the double-play that ended the 8th and the called strike on Howard was easily 6 inches off the plate) that literally may have determined the outcome of the game, it made me wonder if there is a sport that has worse officiating than baseball. All sports have their issues with officials, but which one is the worst? I say it is indeed baseball because at least football (American), basketball (NBA) and hockey (NHL) all use instant replay to some degree in a effort to get the call right. In baseball, it just seems that the umpire's call is absolute and inarguable no matter how clear the evidence is to prove otherwise. Anybody remember this incredible missed call that literally decided the 1985 World Series?

What's your pick? Please forgive me if I left out a sport that should be on the list and please point it out if you would.


Prince of the Rotten Milk
soccer, of course

they're fuckin' morons, specially in the off-sides and went-thru/didn't-went-trhu scenarios

FIFA must act! electronic help is urgently needed.
Boxing, and it's not even close...although I don't know if you can call that bad officiating, because in my view bad officiating is more getting calls wrong or misinterpreting the rules. The people that control and judge boxing I would put closer to being corrupt than just bad at their jobs.
Basketball, I say this not because they miss calls more but they intentionally allow their stars to get away with shit. It's not even fun to watch really. I like college ball much much better.

The MLB and NFL are a close second. The officiating in hockey seems to be really well conducted. They miss calls here and there but nothing that would cost someone the game (from what I have seen).

Don't know about soccer. I'd rather watch paint dry then soccer (sorry)...

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Formula One. I truly believe that at least half of the FIA race stewards are on the take. There is NO consistency is the calls they make, or the punishments they dole out.


Closed Account
Basketball, I say this not because they miss calls more but they intentionally allow their stars to get away with shit. It's not even fun to watch really. I like college ball much much better.

Basketball(NBA in particular) is easily the worst officiated game. And then the commentators casually justify the bullshit calls the superstars get by saying 'veterans get/deserve those calls'(WTF!) They make it nearly impossible to beat great players.

After watching that ballhogging shoesaleman(MJ) get breathed on heavily & go to the line for years I nearly stopped watching Basketball.

Carrying, palming the ball & traveling are rampant.

And on top of that Officials are going to allow a second step(I guess you can now move your pivot foot:dunno:) & liberalize already liberal traveling rules in the NBA.
Basketball is pretty bad with the preferential treatment the stars get. But I've seen waaaay too many bad calls in the NFL. It's crazy. Even college football. That Florida/Arkansas game was ridiculous. Giving out free touchdowns.

But it's tough to be a ref. For the most part they are trying their best and they'll always miss calls. It's the way it is. They take a lot of heat from people. I definitely wouldn't want to be a ref.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Umpiring in baseball can be remarkably bad many times (the "foul" ball by Mauer earlier in the playoffs was a classic example) - but what is even more remarkable is that it has actually improved through the ages.
I remember many times watching the likes of Eric Gregg attempt to waddle into the right position to make a call. At least now, they don't get winded every time they call a strike.


baseball of basketballmainly cause they don't have instand replay to make the right call. you can't fuck up in a WS game that's for sure.
All sports have the same human frailties built into them. Rugby union with it's endless rule changes and differing interpretations from the north to the southern hemispheres must be nightmare to officiate. In the recent test series a player was caught gouging but was not sent off. How can you not be sent off when you are caught trying to blind somebody?!!!!

When I first came over to the states I heard from more than one basketball fan that referees would be scared to call fouls on Jordan that would be a matter of course for regular players. I thought that was terrible refereeing.
Baseball, without a doubt. The fact that fans have to accept the fact that every umpire has a different strike zone is really kind of ridiculous. I also find it amazing that they take so long to argue between themselves to decide to look at a replay (which is rare enough) when it would take less time to just look at the fucking thing right away.
I don't know about Baseball as I don't watch any Baseball. Basketball and Football I haven't watched in a while now.
But judging from the sports I watch(ed) on a regular basis (K-1, Boxing, Soccer etc.). I'd say the worst referees, be it because of incompetence, corruption, bias or whatever, are those of K-1, followed by Boxing. After that comes soccer. I can't recall as many bad, unfair or plain wrong decisions in basketball, football, tennis or any martial art as I've seen in K-1, Boxing or soccer.
There are differences however. The standards for soccer referees are somewhat higher in Germany or the UK than they are in many American countries. Consequently you see less bad decisions in some European soccer leagues than in most American soccer leagues. But when it comes to Boxing or K-1, it's all equally bad. Most European K-1 referees for example may be fair and unbiased, but they are gravely incompetent. The Japanese K-1 referees (which are the top referees in K-1) may be the most competent (even though they make one mistake after the other), but they are biased, seemingly corrupt and sometimes obviously racist.