Do you like tattoos and piercings on pornstars?

Let me tell me my opinion: I hate both piercings and tattoos. For example Sadie West is a very beautiful girl but I am not interested in her, because I find her big tattoo on her leg disgusting.


Prince of the Rotten Milk
yep. I like them. but not too big.
Good tattoos, yes.

And tongue peircings, and nipple piercings are always fun
Depends on the girl really, some are better suited for the punky look, so tattoos and piercings look right for them. Then there are gorgeous girls like Daisy Marie that get giant monstrosities on their back, that I do not like. I don't mind "tramp-stamps" or smaller tattoos that aren't overly exposed all the time, but I don't think that they add anything either.
Sometimes, it really depends on the girl. Some girls look better without anything marring their perfect form. Other girls look good with some ink and a piercing.
I think you need to pick one or the other. I prefer piercings over tattoos but if the tattoo is limited to certain areas it's cool with me
Some parts of the body should not be tattood IMO. Leg tattoos and chest tattoos look terrible on women. Although, I can appreciate a nice arm/back tattoo, or a sleeve depending on the girl. Ricki Raxxx comes to mind.
Tramp Stamps are alright, What Lacey Duvalle did is nasty. Piercings are stupid. Lip is ugly, Nose is worse, Tongue is ok, Ear's are a given, Belly button is meh:dunno: