Search results

  1. cartman24

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    The Soloist Not what I expected going in, but decent.
  2. cartman24

    Avatar babe - Would you hit it?

    Nope, this man only fucks humans (maybe aliens that look exactly like them too ;))
  3. cartman24

    Let's Talk Climate?

    Warm, its currently been snowing outside for a day and a half, so I'm not happy at all.
  4. cartman24

    Best Video Games Ever!

    My top 10 (Only games I've played) 1.) Super Mario Bros. 3 2.) Super Mario 64 3.) The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion 4.) Halo: Combat Evolved 5.) Gran Turismo 2 6.) Grand Theft Auto 3 7.) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 8.) Guitar Hero 2 (360 version) 9.) Project Gotham Racing 2 10.) Quake 4
  5. cartman24

    Any Car Guys on the Forum?

    Well, My dream car is in my sig, I love Skylines. But I'm only 20 and can't afford one just yet, so I had to settle for a Ford Fusion :).
  6. cartman24

    Mariah Carry or a Kardashian???

    So long as it isn't Khloe, I'll take a Kardashian.
  7. cartman24

    Solo model website - do you pay???

    I wouldn't, I get bored with solo scenes after a few minutes usually.
  8. cartman24

    Who Will Be On Here Exactly 24 Hrs. From Now?

    Not me, I have to watch Travis Pastrana's jump.
  9. cartman24

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Sherlock Holmes Pretty damn good considering what I expected it to be. Definitely recommended.
  10. cartman24

    What are you listening to right now?

    Between the Buried and Me - Aspirations His vocal range is incredible.
  11. cartman24

    what's your favorite Christopher Nolan film ?

    The Dark Knight was pretty damn good. The rest are nothing spectacular to me.
  12. cartman24

    Breaking News: Limbaugh Rushed to hospital with chest pains

    Is there going to be yet another 2009 death of a big name? Let this year end already! (Not that I support him, but still...)
  13. cartman24

    Whats Your Favourite Position In A Porn Scene?

    Cowgirl from a side view. I can't get enough of that.
  14. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    Every killstreak is easy to take out, its just very asinine that we are pretty much forced to do it several times a game. Sure its a nice points boost, but its a wicked pain in the ass to change classes just because of it.
  15. cartman24

    Avenged Sevenfold Drummer Found Dead.

    Huge surprise to see this, he was a pretty damn good drummer whether people liked the music or not. RIP man.
  16. cartman24

    What are you listening to right now?

    Tim Heintz - Dear Jacqui Amazing song.
  17. cartman24

    Modern Warfare2:weapons/perks I use,recommendations,my rank is....,advice etc thread.

    Re: Modern Warfare2:weapons/perks I use,recommendations,my rank is....,advice etc thr You pretty much need stopping power I've found. Its very easy to avoid killstreaks and the power boost stopping power gives you makes up for a lot of the game's BS.
  18. cartman24

    Modern Warfare2:weapons/perks I use,recommendations,my rank is....,advice etc thread.

    Re: Modern Warfare2:weapons/perks I use,recommendations,my rank is....,advice etc thr Well, after I prestiged I found a pretty kickass class that I've done very well with. Scar-H with Red Dot AA-12 Semtex Flash Grenedes Sleight of Hand Pro Stopping Power Pro Commando Pro Painkiller I went...
  19. cartman24

    Best Horror flick of the decade?

    The Descent Followed by [REC], the rest are a jumbled mess of shit.
  20. cartman24

    Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

    Merry Christmas, if someone has a problem with it they need to get a life.
  21. cartman24

    Do you ever get sick of watching the same pornstars fucking each other?

    All I see is the girl and a dick, whoever is attached to said dick is no concern to me because I pretty much don't see them.
  22. cartman24

    Brittany Murphy dead at 32!

    One of my favorites :(. RIP Brittany, I'll miss you.
  23. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    They have been confirmed to be adjusted for a future update, who knows when we'll get that though :/
  24. cartman24

    Rock band

    Cant get any worse than that IMO. I can't see how it could possibly make much money.
  25. cartman24

    Rock band

    All this time my Xbox is broke and the DLC goes to shit. Oh wait, nothing changed...
  26. cartman24

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Taken, it was very entertaining and much much better than the commercials made it seem to be.
  27. cartman24

    Carrie Underwood: <<<----- Hit it?

    What man wouldn't, you'd be insane not to want some of that.
  28. cartman24

    Ember Reigns vs Brooke Hogan

    Ember in a second.
  29. cartman24

    Subway Guy Falls Off The Diet Wagon

    Maybe, just maybe he's trying to get fat again and then going to lose the weight at subway again. Quite brilliant. [/sarcasm]
  30. cartman24

    Modern Warfare2:weapons/perks I use,recommendations,my rank is....,advice etc thread.

    Re: Modern Warfare2:weapons/perks I use,recommendations,my rank is....,advice etc thr Oh god. You are becoming the exact type of player I hate. You better continue the camping on my team and not against me ;).
  31. cartman24

    Why Does Suzie Cry Whenever I Mention Santa Claus??

    Haha, as horrible as it sounds I literally laughed out loud.
  32. cartman24

    Kat Young, Hot or Not ?

    Eh, I wouldn't say she is hot, not ugly, maybe just cute :dunno:
  33. cartman24

    what do you prefer?

    Ass for me, its easier to stare at :D.
  34. cartman24

    Freeones should have this kind of notification

    Hold on, let me google this so-called "life".
  35. cartman24

    Hottest ass in the business?

    Naomi Russell has my favorite ass in porn.
  36. cartman24

    Ashley Blue Almost choked to Death!

    True, but it isn't like she stopped doing this type of scene, so she couldn't have been impacted too badly.
  37. cartman24

    Ashley Blue Almost choked to Death!

    This kind of porn is fucking stupid. At least she was in good spirits afterwards...
  38. cartman24

    is there any food that you hate ?

    Cheese, I just cant stomach it. The smell makes me gag and the taste induces vomit. The only things I can have with it are Pizza and cheesecake.
  39. cartman24

    Jessica Simpson vs Ashlee Simpson

    If I had a split second to choose I'd go with Jessica, both are amazingly hot though.
  40. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    Enjoy it while it lasts, because its only a matter of time until everyone finds it :) (except for me that is :()
  41. cartman24

    Modern Warfare2:weapons/perks I use,recommendations,my rank is....,advice etc thread.

    Re: Modern Warfare2:weapons/perks I use,recommendations,my rank is....,advice etc thr Thats because most assault rifles have no recoil and the damage at long distances is practically the same as point blank, so they are actually more effective to snipe with than sniper rifles.
  42. cartman24

    Whats your favorite type of tits & nipples ?

    B's and C's are perfect for me, I like perky over huge.
  43. cartman24

    what do you use for transportation ?

    2010 Ford Fusion I have to drive 30 miles each way to get to school so I need it.
  44. cartman24

    Should North America adopt a single cell phone charger standard ?

    I'd like to see it, that way I could forget my charger on a road trip and use a friends.
  45. cartman24

    Modern Warfare2:weapons/perks I use,recommendations,my rank is....,advice etc thread.

    Re: Modern Warfare2:weapons/perks I use,recommendations,my rank is....,advice etc thr The only thing One Man Army is good for are the easy points you get for leveling it up. You can get kills with any weapon as long as its part of your class and you will progress.
  46. cartman24

    Modern Warfare2:weapons/perks I use,recommendations,my rank is....,advice etc thread.

    Re: Modern Warfare2:weapons/perks I use,recommendations,my rank is....,advice etc thr My favorite class (Im a level 60): Slot 1: ACR Slot 2: Javelin Perk 1: Bling Pro: Red Dot + Silencer Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro Perk 3: Commando Pro Death Streak: Any Too bad I can't play the game for a while :(
  47. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    A teammate got a nuke for the second day in a row, okay... maybe they won't be very rare...
  48. cartman24

    Call Of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2

    Well, one of my teammates got the nuke today. Pretty epic, epic indeed.
  49. cartman24

    Rock band

    Easily the worst week yet. I need like a solid month of red difficulty songs before I could ever get back into this game for any length of time.
  50. cartman24

    Favourite Squirter??

    Cytherea is the best I think.