I just hope they don't release new consoles for a while. I'm quite happy with the systems as they are and we're getting good games on a regular basis.
What are the chances their next console has the same astronomical failure rate?
Yes but looking back on video game history, every time a new console comes out the price goes up. At least for the first year or so that the console is out then the price drops start. I'll be surprised if they keep it under 500 even.
Have you forgotten about the $599 Playstation 3 and everybody who bought one trying to justify the price?
You know whats funny about all this, a system breaking like the 360 did was never on somebodys mind like this when past consoles came out. Thanks to xbox360s 51% failure rate, everyone is overly cautious from now on in. There was never an issue of this caliber to be thinking about in the past. Its kind of ashame really. And believe it or not, it affects Sony too. When ps4 comes out people will think about what happened to 360 with RROD's. Don't care if its a different company or not.
There was no need to before the 360 because no console in history has been this complex. The original X-Box was like an extremely low end PC. When the 360 launched, it had the hardware complexity of a high level PC at the time, and even to date is still a rather high end computer.
still no excuse. Ps3 is 10 times more complex than 360 and its got the standard 5% failure rate of all past consoles.
I don't believe it to be an excuse. The failure rate of 360's was unacceptable, there's no question. But to say that has single-handedly caused people to question if their machine will fail is disingenuous. Anyone with an elementary understanding of computer hardware would understand the more complex you get, the more likely you are to have massive failure. The PS2 had around a 15% failure rate too, so this is not a new phenomenon. And for the record, the PS3 is not 10 times more complex than the 360, it features the exact same parts save for the CPU, which developers still can't figure out.
Ps2 at 15% and 360 at 51%....big difference there so it sounds like a new phenomenon to me. As a matter of fact, no company in history had to kiss everyones ass with a 3 year extended warranty because of their failure rate.
Ok so ps3 isn't much more complex than 360 right? But ps3 has a failure rate of 5% compared to 360's 51%. Devs figured it out enough for me. Games kick ass on that system and it don't break. My ps3 will be 3 years old this summer and it never gave me a prob once. Had that clock error, but it got fixed in 24hours and its been back to purring since.
The clock error did not get fixed. Sony closed their eyes and prayed that it would go away. They didn't do anything. It will happen again.
who told you that and why are you "guessing" it will happen again? lol
UPDATE (10:15 p.m. ET): From Sony: "We are aware that the internal clock functionality in the PS3 units other than the slim model, recognized the year 2010 as a leap year." That's right, all non-slim PS3s thought this year had 29 days in February. Because of that incorrect programming, they couldn't communicate properly with Sony's PSN servers.
Perhaps even more upsetting is that when Sony said "we hope to resolve this problem within the next 24 hours," they really were just waiting for the next day to come so that the issue would correct itself. Needless to say, we're not looking forward to PS3 gaming in February 2012, when the real leap year will be observed.
nice find,sweet. However, there's a difference between "waiting for the next day to come so it will correct itself" and "sitting there closing their eyes praying it will go away" like you stated. You twisted things there and got alittle dramatic, no?
As far as it happening again, the article writer is just full of speculation like your guess. Read it, he's speculating. It could happen again and it may not.
Yes it is a speculation, so what! There's a pretty big difference between "waiting for the system to correct itself" and actually fixing the issue!
It all depends on when it releases and what its like. If it depends on motion controls I say fuck it, otherwise I might buy it launch day.
Ps2 at 15% and 360 at 51%....big difference there so it sounds like a new phenomenon to me. As a matter of fact, no company in history had to kiss everyones ass with a 3 year extended warranty because of their failure rate.
Ok so ps3 isn't much more complex than 360 right? But ps3 has a failure rate of 5% compared to 360's 51%. Devs figured it out enough for me. Games kick ass on that system and it don't break. My ps3 will be 3 years old this summer and it never gave me a prob once. Had that clock error, but it got fixed in 24hours and its been back to purring since.
who told you that and why are you "guessing" it will happen again? lol