Why should I solve this? What's in it for me? Huh!? Are the skies going to open up and two big bosomed women going to ascend downwards from some higher plain of being and smother me with their tits before we fuck in front of 6 German shepherds outside London Zoo? NO! Will I win anything? NO! Will Kelsey Grammer shoot himself in his fucking face with a shot gun if I solve this piece of shit maze? NO! So I ask again what the fuck is in it for me to take the time out what's left of the rest of my day to complete this thing? NOTHING that's what! It's just another piece of busy work set out by the powers that be to keep us controlled. Oh it's so trippy, oh that's where this goes. Fuck that!
I know, why don't you give me £2000 and then I'll solve it!
No? Well then fuck everyone.....