I don't think she is tan enough.

Needs some more time in the booth. :rolleyes:


  • 4aeb12598d6d6.jpg
    154.9 KB · Views: 346
Er, I'm not being a 'police guy' as you put it, simply asking a valid question. What is funny about the picture you posted in this, the Funny Pictures thread? :confused:

Everybody....I would like to cordially introduce you to Mr. Fucking Buzzkill. :hatsoff:
Well I say this pic is hot and kind of weird at the same time. But not really funny. But heh, im not complaining. lol
Fight fight fight!
Even this is'nt funny.......

Location: Hiding out in the Montes Archimedes......the natives are growing restless....and I am growing wary....
