With alot of old school gamers on here, there's gotta be some funny moments in game glitches, from atari to xbox360. Allow me to start....
Funniest one I've ever seen that still makes me laugh today is in NHL09. Sometimes if you score on your own net by accident, your player would be mixed in with 2 of the opponents players celebrating the goal.
Its funny cause it has happened in the NHL before but only a handful of times and was obviously an accident. To see your player celebrate after doing it is a chuckle cause its like he was in kahoots with the other team. Like a spy or a fucking rat.
Funniest one I've ever seen that still makes me laugh today is in NHL09. Sometimes if you score on your own net by accident, your player would be mixed in with 2 of the opponents players celebrating the goal.
Its funny cause it has happened in the NHL before but only a handful of times and was obviously an accident. To see your player celebrate after doing it is a chuckle cause its like he was in kahoots with the other team. Like a spy or a fucking rat.