The new bmw
Frank Fire Apr 27, 2010 #1 The new bmw Attachments 07071803_blog_uncovering_org_bmw.jpg 34.7 KB · Views: 241
serpentor Apr 28, 2010 #6 For me, I can't wait to unwrap it, I wonder what it is? Oh underwear, thanks, no really I actually needed new underwear I was just hoping for a car that's all
For me, I can't wait to unwrap it, I wonder what it is? Oh underwear, thanks, no really I actually needed new underwear I was just hoping for a car that's all
Skyraider22 The One and Only Big Daddy Apr 28, 2010 #8 I want one I don't know why but I want one.:dunno:
cl0ckw0rkman Apr 28, 2010 #9 jod0565 said: In what year? Click to expand... lets see we are in 2010 , then 2011, never
jod0565 said: In what year? Click to expand... lets see we are in 2010 , then 2011, never
freeones_willem Ex-FreeOnes Team Member Apr 28, 2010 #11 That thing is awsome. It's a shape shifting car. It can change it shape to however you like it.
That thing is awsome. It's a shape shifting car. It can change it shape to however you like it.
JuicyBunny Approved Content Owner Approved Content Owner Apr 28, 2010 #12 transformer posing as car? The winged doors look like shark skin to me... beautiful creation.
F feller469 Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL. Apr 28, 2010 #13 the fender no longer dent, but they are a bitch to sew back together