Bungie partners with Activision......wtf?!

The dev Bungie, best known for creating xbox's flagship Halo series, just partnered with Activision for at least the next 10 years to publish some games. I don't understand??? Bungie left Microsoft game studios to be independent not too long ago, saying that they no longer wanna be handcuffed. Only to partner with Activsion a couple years later.......F'ing Activision of all people too. Didn't they see what Activision just did to Infinity ward?

Bad move!
Seems like a good move for Activision. They have had some pretty decent titles, but the one are that I've always felt that they were lacking was their graphics.
Here's what probably happened:
Bungie still needed a publisher and after all of the shit-storm that the Infinity Ward situation caused, bungie saw an opening and made a deal that will give them a much bigger portion than they would have received had the IW thing never happened. Activision needed to make a move that gave them a new AAA developer so they had to make this deal at all costs.

I'm not worried. Bungie still owns all of the rights to their games, Activision will just handle the marketing aspect and slap their name on the case. Now people on the PS3 and Wii (maybe) will be able to enjoy Bungie games, so it could be a win-win.
Time for Bungie to take their FPShooter know-how and make a not so Science fiction game. ModernWarfare 3 by bungie maybe???
The dev Bungie, best known for creating xbox's flagship Halo series, just partnered with Activision for at least the next 10 years to publish some games. I don't understand??? Bungie left Microsoft game studios to be independent not too long ago, saying that they no longer wanna be handcuffed. Only to partner with Activsion a couple years later.......F'ing Activision of all people too. Didn't they see what Activision just did to Infinity ward?

Bad move!

Bungie's explanation of their separation from Microsoft was largely lip service. Bungie never wanted to leave Microsoft, they got exactly what they wanted, a secure job developing one series of games, with whatever budget they wanted. It was once Bungie decided they wanted to make different versions of Halo that Microsoft pulled the plug.


what the fuck you lookin at?
who cares
I smell a call of Duty: Future Warfare.