SgtMarine MOTO talk of the week


Question "maggot".

Is this the same failed system put in place by the previous administration that allowed Richard Reid to do the same thing?
If it's the same sorry system that the previous lacky administration had installed, then why in the hell didn't the freshman senator as commander in chief do anything to improve improve it ?:1orglaugh

Answer because the potus is just a figurehead, a man controlled by strings if you will, a man who's adept at reading the teleprompt... but he sure sounds authoritative and commanding, to a lib anyway. :shocked:
And the same system that allow AA Flight 587 to be likely downed by the same???

the official NTSB report re 587 is in conflict w/ your statement.


Oh, no. GI Joe part deuce. :rolleyes:

YO, Joe! :tongue:
hey there Fruitcake. I mean cupcake. Are you a bit thristy.....


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
ah yes, it took less than a week for the political discussions to devolve into "I'm rubberman, you are glue. bounces off me so fuck you"


Lord Dipstick
Wow! almost 100 posts in the first day
At this rate you'll have a Freeones T-Shirt in time for Spring Break!

Btw....your not from Indiana by any Chance are ya?:tongue:


I really hope you stick around, I have a feeling things are going to get a bit fun.
If it's the same sorry system that the previous lacky administration had installed, then why in the hell didn't the freshman senator as commander in chief do anything to improve improve it ?:1orglaugh

Answer because the potus is just a figurehead, a man controlled by strings if you will, a man who's adept at reading the teleprompt... but he sure sounds authoritative and commanding, to a lib anyway. :shocked: will be interesting to see if Obama can fix this and a few other things in short order the former (S)INC either spent 8 years fucking up or failed to fix in 8 years.

the official NTSB report re 587 is in conflict w/ your statement.

Everyone knows that. The question is, why does their official report conflict with everyone else's facts?


Banned will be interesting to see if Obama can fix this and a few other things in short order the former (S)INC either spent 8 years fucking up or failed to fix in 8 years.

Everyone knows that. The question is, why does their official report conflict with everyone else's facts?

Does he need 8 years to fix it or 4? Or when will it stop being Bush's fault?
Does he need 8 years to fix it or 4? Or when will it stop being Bush's fault?

Depends on which problem. Obama has an obligation to fix everything he deems broken as soon as is practical.

In this particular case it's logical to understand and review the policies in place when he took office...actually before since he was a Senator.

But reviews only test what practices are on the books not how well each apparatus implements or executes each process.

The absolute fact of the matter is we should be beyond who's fault at this point. But politics will make sure that isn't the case. However, if the fault game, blame game, keep us safe game, point the finger game or whatever game you want to play is to be played. Just make sure you are consistent and if you won't be..Don't whine when quizzed about it.:dunno:

I rarely ever initiate an attack against the previous administration. What I do more often than not is respond to double standards by pointing out like circumstances from the previous administration....and the willful ignorance and associated amnesia.

Further still was the unwillingness by some of these amnesiacs to hold Bush accountable when he was accountable. So when does he ever get held accountable since the amnesiacs are trying to hold the new guy accountable for the old guy's messes???
This has been an awesome week so far.

First we get Ric Fla......I mean titsrock running around here with a new persona.

Then we get this SgtMarine guy talking in the third person and starting threads like he's hosting a weekly talk show. :1orglaugh

Oh yeah, and Hellraiser still says NeoCon every other sentence.

Damn.........I really need to come up with a gimmick. :crash:
This feels like roleplay gone horribly wrong and off the deep end.


Hiliary 2020
Hello maggots!
Youre all worthless and weak.
Now drop down and give me 20 mister!
to be fair she first said that the system worked perfectly AFTER the bomb didnt go off.
which i took as offensive to the intelligence of every human that ever lived, dead or alive.

then the next day she said that the system has problems.

I think people need to realize if an explosive can be snuck onto a plane in someones underwear that there is no 100% gaurantee for safety (aka your days of finger fucking mary jane rotten crotch in your grand daddys station wagon are over).