You left the window wide open and I just happened to be looking in that direction with my high-powered thermal scope...
Um, Ok. Well just for the record the sheep had something stuck it its fur, it's not what you think
You left the window wide open and I just happened to be looking in that direction with my high-powered thermal scope...
I agree with you 100% on that. You can believe anything you wish to believe, however stupid it may be. That's the great thing about this country. However, your superstitions should NOT have an effect on policy otherwise you'd have people sacrificing goats and little children (voodoo or hoodoo I forget) and people marrying more than one wife.
They aren't superstitions. That's what people don't get.
America has a lot of people that profess faith in something and it will affect the country. Whether liberals like it or not.
it's even in our laws and the law of the land, which is the Constitution.
That's why I tell people to move to a country they like better than this one.
I haven't had any takers yet. :hatsoff:
They are superstitions until someone can scientifically prove them not using anecdotal evidence, publishes a peer-reviewed report and the results are duplicated time and time again. They are not falsifiable therefore they will always remain superstitions. The whole point of this country was to separate church and state (most of the founding fathers were either diests or atheists). That's what is going to ruin this country, the faith-based imposing their will on the rest of us.
No. :hatsoff:
Separation of church and state was so they state couldn't impose a state church on everyone. Like in England.
It was never to keep people of faith out of politics.
Lean the facts or I have a cork for you.
lol I know the facts. A residual effect of that was to prevent laws from being religiously-based as were many other doctrines in the constitution: no religious-test can be administered for any office is an example of another. I never said they wanted to keep people of faith out of politics, you can believe whatever you want, you just can't make a law based out of that belief.
You should know your facts. People of faith have made laws because of their faith. Why does the President place his hand on a Bible?
The same thing happens in a court and else where.
They also pray before meetings, hmmm.
This country was better off with a strong Christian influence.
These are stupid traditions that should be stopped. Religion is the great oppressor but it also allows the smart to control the masses so the founding fathers knew it would be a great way to keep the young country together. That doesn't take away from the fact that their intent was to make a great secular nation.
Now you're off in looney land.![]()
Nah, just realistic. Nothing controls dumb people better than religion. The founding fathers were smart and knew this. The fact that a lot of crazy religious nuts got into office and forced their laws through its something else. Thankfully, we are getting better slowly but surely with a 20 percent atheist minority in the country (one of the fastest growing minorities in the past 20 years, outnumbering gays, jews, blacks, etc).
Lies from people in Washington do a much better job.
Actually DC, District of Columbia, a foreign country in America.
Faith does nothing but help people.
Unlike the faith Atheists have and it's a religion whether you will admit it or not.
It's time to give them a chance.![]()
We have a right to vote for anyone we wish.
So, mandating registration to one party is illegal.
Tell them that next time and tell them who sent you.![]()
No. :hatsoff:
Separation of church and state was so they state couldn't impose a state church on everyone. Like in England.
It was never to keep people of faith out of politics.
Lean the facts or I have a cork for you.
That's not true, Atheists believe there is no god (or at least that there is no proof one exists) but that's it. No two atheists are alike other than that primary belief. Faith makes people believe that this life sucks and the next life will be much better so kill yourself (muslims) or don't live your life to the fullest for fear of being punished in the next life. You miss out on the truly great things that life, short as it is, has to offer. That is no way to live.
Maybe so. We'll see how it goes and who else steps up. But if more Americans would stop acting like union members, and learn to think for themselves (instead of having party bosses do it for them), part of the problem would be solved RIGHT THERE!
How many people here will pretend to believe that the government should fear the people, not the other way around? Quite a few, I would say. But how many of those very same people will show complete loyalty and allegiance to a party... that is trying to secure control of the government???!!!![]()
IMO, we usually get the government that we deserve.
The facts are a great debate. yes freedom of religion, religion in politics not so much.
I have no desire for Muslims, Evangelics, Catholics, Lutherans to rule my country and tell me or make laws that affect my personal life. I dont care what you do on sunday or a holiday, Do what you want, but I want the freedom as well.
You believe by faith there is no God. You have an orginized religion. :angels:
They are superstitions until someone can scientifically prove them not using anecdotal evidence, publishes a peer-reviewed report and the results are duplicated time and time again. They are not falsifiable therefore they will always remain superstitions. The whole point of this country was to separate church and state (most of the founding fathers were either diests or atheists). That's what is going to ruin this country, the faith-based imposing their will on the rest of us.
Nah, just realistic. They wanted a secular nation in that they didn't want any religion to be considered the 'national religion'; you can be whatever you want or be nothing at all: Nothing controls dumb people better than religion. The founding fathers were smart and knew this. The fact that a lot of crazy religious nuts got into office and forced their laws through is something else. Thankfully, we are getting better slowly but surely with a 20 percent atheist minority in the country (one of the fastest growing minorities in the past 20 years, outnumbering gays, jews, blacks, etc) only getting larger.
You should know your facts. People of faith have made laws because of their faith. Why does the President place his hand on a Bible?
Teddy Roosevelt created National Parks
The way the universe was created hasn't been scientifically proven.....is it superstition then? There are many things that haven't been scientifically proven. Are they all superstition?
You believe by faith there is no God. You have an orginized religion. :angels:
So true, jason. Sooo true.
Why is it that so many of the hardcore christians cannot get a grip on the concept of a number of people with the same concept of thoughts NOT meet in hidden places to pray do their beliefs.