Best dystopian future/Apocolypse movies?


It's good to be the king...
Blade Runner
Silent Running(like 5 dudes on eco ships with some robots for company, rather bleak)
28 days later
Original planet of the apes
Mad max for definite, Fallout probably partly based on it

And yea must get around to seeing Soylant green

PS> Oh yea and equilibrium for the sheer entertainment factor

Oh hell yes Mad Max was definite inspiration for Fallout. However the old CRPG game Wasteland was the real inspiration.

All great movies people.
If you like quirky movies, I highly recommend Six String Samurai.

So that's what it was called! I remember seeing it on cable in the 90s I think. Really silly but it had its own style. I'm going to have to check that out again.

It's armageddon week.

Yeah.......every week!
dystopian --

Blade Runner
La Jette (I like 12 Monkeys quite a bit, as well)
Soylent Green


Planet of the Apes
A Boy and His Dog
Omega Man / The Last Man on Earth (Price)
On the Beach
Terminator / Terminator 2