Cure for depression


Closed Account
Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile. Smile, though your heart is breaking, smile, even though its aching. Just think positive happy thoughts, and know we at Freeones all wish you the best, and all love you. We think nice happy things about you all day long. Isn't that sweet?

Move to New York, with all the other friendly happy people.

Walk on the sunny side of the street.

Oh hang. Here watch this:

Charlie Chaplin was short!


Is somewhere outhere.
If I get in a depressed mood I usually take a drive into the country,to get away from it all and blows the cobwebs away :)
Have something to look forward to. Work> even voluntary work is healing. Have good companionship. Get a pet. Have someone to take care of in your Life. Read. Be constructive in your actions. Exercise. Don't drive, walk most places. 'Fresh' air. :)
In all seriousness, if you are truly feeling "blue" stay away from alcohol.

Get plenty of rest.


Be sure you are eating enough and getting enough B-vitamin.

Surround yourself with people that make you feel good or you have fun around.

Put one foot in front of the other.

If all else fails, get professional help from a counselor, physician, or both.

This is pretty good advice right here. Depression, despite the media campaigns, is a normal human emotion and brain function. Fight it by doing things- dwelling on it and sitting around inside, away from other people is a bad way to handle it.

Ignore that hippy shit and fucking DRINK, MAN!!!!!


So adding a chemical depressant to a mind that's already depressed is your solution. Please, never practice medicine. :glugglug: (Ironic smilie included free)



You never see a motorcycle parked at a therapists office.
Is it occasiaonal depression or does it happen a lot? If it is occasional a lot of people made great suggestions to feel better. If it happens a lot then a good idea is to see a shrink.

Surprisingly, mine is re-occurring, and having a motorcycle ride here and there has helped tons. Or walks.

I usually get depression attacks at the beginning of each month. Kinda like my own type of pms.

Anything to get you out into nature, and enjoy it without much distraction can clear your mind of any depressing thoughts. Shrinks help you to figure out what it is you need to work on, but nature makes you just take in what is good.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
Surprisingly, mine is re-occurring, and having a motorcycle ride here and there has helped tons. Or walks.

I usually get depression attacks at the beginning of each month. Kinda like my own type of pms.

Anything to get you out into nature, and enjoy it without much distraction can clear your mind of any depressing thoughts. Shrinks help you to figure out what it is you need to work on, but nature makes you just take in what is good.

That helps with some people but not all. Some people need therapy and medication to help with their depression. I see the shrink for panic attacks, and for me nature does not help with them at all.
Go makes a big difference, you may be a little tired afterward but you will feel a hell of a lot better

What many people don't realize is that many of the conditions that the drugs you see on television can be treated much easier by a change in diet and exercise.

I used to have really bad anxiety attacks and I was overweight, it had gottent to the point I would have times where I couldn't sleep. I started seeing a therapist and she suggested working out and yoga, I did the working out and guess what I started to feel better, and I lost weight to boot


Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
Go makes a big difference, you may be a little tired afterward but you will feel a hell of a lot better

What many people don't realize is that many of the conditions that the drugs you see on television can be treated much easier by a change in diet and exercise.

I used to have really bad anxiety attacks and I was overweight, it had gottent to the point I would have times where I couldn't sleep. I started seeing a therapist and she suggested working out and yoga, I did the working out and guess what I started to feel better, and I lost weight to boot


That is true as well. I do yoga and work out. I also have a great diet. I have to admit that when I cut out caffeine two years ago I was not happy about it. It is also important to remember that that does not work for everyone. For me it is a way to keep in shape but it never helped with panic attacks. I was surprised to find out how many people in this industry have an anxiety or panic attack disorder. Some things you just have to work on and take some meds while working on it.

If anyone on here has anxiety or panic attacks I would recommend the no caffeine diet. That has really helped a lot. Some days I would kill for a real coffee or soda, but you get used to it.


Closed Account
read a book magzine
watch a moive
play a video game
play some death metal
tits ass and beer
thier all of those should help you forget whatever is on your mind at the moment.
Watch something funny..

Some classic comedy always does it for me..

BUT DON'T OVERDO IT !.. otherwise you'll end up like me :eek:
You dont give us to much information about your specific case. Is this just the kind of depresion anyone can feel when they are for example lonely, or they have broken up with their girlfriend/boyfriend or they have lost their job. Do you just feel down? Or has this feeling been going on longer? Do you also feel a lack of energy and feel you can acomplish nothing however trivial it may be?

If its the first kind, we all go through it. Listen to music, be socialble, relax. You'll be feeling better in no time.

If it's the second consult a doctor and a counselor because if you are suffering from depression it is not going to get better on it's own. They say depression is caused by a chemical imbalance - although there is some evidence to show that this imbalance is not the cause but a symptom of depression and the underlying cause for all depression is till unknown. But whether or not it is a symptom or a cause you will be proscribed drugs which will correct that imbalance and along with regular meetings with someone who understands depression much more than any of us can You Might be able to get to the bottom of why you're depressed and feel better at the same time.

A doctor is a much better source of advice that a bunch of guys and gals on a porn forum. No offence to anyone else ;)
A doctor is a much better source of advice that a bunch of guys and gals on a porn forum. No offence to anyone else ;)

No he's not..
I've been happily living my life based entirely on what is posted on this board..

 life is sooooo fucked :weeping: