Why is sex 'bad'?

What influenced society to make sex such a taboo subject? I'm very comfortable talking to my close friends about sex, but if I were meeting someone for the first time they'd most likely look down upon me if I were to bring up the subject--not saying that I haven't done that before though :1orglaugh.

Do you ever think we'll reach a point in society where people can comfortably discuss sex? If so, do you think things like teenage pregnancies will reduced? Give me your thoughts!


I don't understand the problem with sex and nudity in America. We produce the most porn in the world. In Europe they are more accepting of these type of things.

I think it all comes back to politics. Vicky Vette posted a thread about dildos being banned in a city. If a high powered official wants something banned, it is more likely to be banned.

The people you are trying to talk to may not be mature enough to handle the topic. They may lash out at you or laugh. Try talking to someone who can actually handle the topic at hand.

Will E Worm

What influenced society to make sex such a taboo subject?

What do you want? Sex in the streets?

There are other countries, you could move. :hatsoff:

Do you ever think we'll reach a point in society where people can comfortably discuss sex? If so, do you think things like teenage pregnancies will reduced? Give me your thoughts!

No, it's fine to do what you want, as long as you're not forcing someone to do something against their will. But, teen pregnancies will increase.
Look at Palin's daughter. :yinyang:
well it's a rather irrational outlook for the most, so it's hard to understand.

some rational claims against sexual promiscuity-
- it can lead to the spread of disease
- it can make it difficult to raise a family and children
- it makes it hard to trust someone and build strong relationship bonds
- it can engender objectification and negative self worth in people

I have a feeling that the archaic taboos against it held partially from the idea of uncleanliness, which is talked about in moral or spiritual terms in religious text, but I think that it might have originated in a much more literal context. People had no real knowledge of hygienic or how germs work, and in say, plague era Europe, dirty people sharing close contact (having sex) with many different strangers was a real concern and source of fear.

also there was no contraceptives so any young person having sex would probably have a pregnancy that they were unprepared for.

I think a big part of it was to enforce the institution of marriage, which was a way to establish the legitimacy of property rights, which were hereditary. By closely controlling the establishment of the family line, you, in a sense, knew exactly where your money was coming and going. It's a well known fact that even today marriages are business exchange services between two families and often have little to do with the feelings of the participants.


^ A most thoughtful assessment. :hatsoff:

Look at Palin's daughter.
Funny that you should mention her :1orglaugh I was just channel surfin a few minutes ago and there she was !
If she wasn't under the age of majority I'd be chanting :hit: :scream:

Will E Worm

Funny that you should mention her :1orglaugh I was just channel surfin a few minutes ago and there she was !

I saw her too. But, I read the article this morning.

She's just looking for an excuse and something to blame.
The fault falls squarely on her shoulders.
Funny that you should mention her :1orglaugh I was just channel surfin a few minutes ago and there she was !

funny, I saw that too. but the weird thing was when they asked her "how did your family react to hearing that you were pregnant?" It sounded to me like they said, "how did your family react to hear you're hispanic?" I did a double take. whoa man. get me off these drugs. what drugs? I didn't take anything! :shock:


Bristol Palin

She was drinking and she's not twenty-one.

I'd say she was drunk and . . .(?)

Oh, nothing that you ever did back when :beer: + :nannerf1: = :D

Why is sex wrong ? It isn't, It's just sensible to teach young people personal responsibility, how to make a living on their own and not become 32 year old grandparents living back at mom and dad's !
Sex would not be as exciting without the taboo. The forbidden fruit is always the sweetest. Thank God it's bad.


funny, I saw that too. but the weird thing was when they asked her "how did your family react to hearing that you were pregnant?" It sounded to me like they said, "how did your family react to hear you're hispanic?" I did a double take. whoa man. get me off these drugs. what drugs? I didn't take anything! :shock:

Well, I always have the mute engaged on my TV set, you see, I only allocate myself so much folly, for I fear that I would one day actually believe them (lies). That said, I have opted to simply watch the mouths move.
Which reminds me - that Meagan, attorney at law bee-at-ch (blonde on FIXEDnews) sure has a nice mouth !:blowjob: huh ?

rereading your post, you kinda got me . . . well . . .curious ! :o
What else did Greta ask her ? Huh ? Huh ? I gotta know !!! ¶:


Closed Account
Religion. Anything good, natural, healthy and free is likely to come under religion's scrutiny. It's virtually forbidden by religion, and if it's forbidden, it makes me and others want to do it more! Perhaps if there was less religion we wouldn't crave pornography so much, amongst many other things in life.
some rational claims against sexual promiscuity-
- it can lead to the spread of disease
- it can make it difficult to raise a family and children
- it makes it hard to trust someone and build strong relationship bonds
- it can engender objectification and negative self worth in people

1. I agree with the first point, so no comment (there's even a group of diseases spread only through sex, which are called STDs (so no, AIDS technically isn't an STD)).

2. I don't see how it makes it more difficult to raise children.

I think you're talking about kids being pregnant? If people in general, were more open minded about sex, they might also accept that their children are having sexual relationships as well. If parents acknowledge that, they might be able to help prevent the girls from becoming pregnant by supplying condoms and/or the pill. They might also ask their daughters if they had taken the pill & take them to the doctor for a morning after pill if the answer was no.

So yes, it would recquire a certain amount of responsibility from the parents, but isn't responsibility a part of raising children in general? (although a lot of parents these days seem to be forgetting that)

3. Once again, I don't see how it makes it hard to trust someone and build strong relationship bonds.

As far as I know, a good relationship is based on love and mutual agreements and trust is based on how well you both live up to those agreements. If someone wants to have an open relationship & you don't, then the relationship simply will not work. These days such a person would simply cheat on you behind your back, whereas if people were more open about it, they might be honest about it & in my eyes become more trustworthy.

4. I partly agree, but it's already happening right now (every 20-30 year old single guy can add 1+1), so I doubt it would become a bigger problem if people were more openminded about sex.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Sex in itself isn't bad. It is the connotation that church and moral authority has attributed to the deed. I was watching "The Agony and the Ecstasy" the other night (Great movie BTW. Who doesn't love Charleton Heston playing an Italian?) and in one bit a Cardinal was criticizing Michaelangelo for portraying nude scenes on the chapel ceiling. Michaelangelo retorted with "God did not imbue man with shame for his nakedness. The church did." Then he went on about that for a minute or so about how God made Adam unaware of his natural state as anything but obscene and I was really enthralled.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Ooof. This one's a doozy. And to be honest, I think this subject is at a root of many of society's ills.

See http://violence.de/prescott/bulletin/article.html - this is a study by a fellow who finds that sexual repression in a culture is directly related to the violent tendencies of that culture.

I really wish I could find more on the subject (though to be fair, I haven't looked terribly hard). To me, it makes good sense: when you repress basic humanity, Humanity is bound to get twisted and &^%$#@ up.
So yes, it would recquire a certain amount of responsibility from the parents, but isn't responsibility a part of raising children in general? (although a lot of parents these days seem to be forgetting that)

well yes, I agree. It's not that I think that there's anything wrong with sex and that it's something that corrupts. among mature and responsible people it can be a very good thing. It's expression is dependent on the individual and it can be a problematic behavior for someone who is so inclined to generally make poor choices.


It's not a taboo to me :dunno:

The only reason you don't shout about it from the rooftops is because of children. For anyone over 18, it's a pretty open subject for most.