Hmmmm I would do bad things to Ember Reigns, who I just adore and is a sweetheart. I also love Maggie Green, Briana Lee and Spexy. I like big boobs, it's my total downfall.
Just thought you guys might want to check out some new pilots and vote to make them a series. Amazon is making their own shows and they want you to let them know what shows you like.
I highly recommend The After from Chris Cater. He created The X Files and Millennium. That's my favorite one...
I like the two episodes. Carl is getting bigger and I too would have fought for the pudding. I am also glad that Judith's fate was shown. I wont say if she is alive or dead in case you guys haven't watched it yet.
People gain and lose weight, it happens. I also resent that it is due to laziness and bad eating habits like some people suggested. Some people really do get sick and gain weight. I know I did, took meds to get better and gained weight from the meds. From June until now I lost 30 pounds (which...
We don't know she finished him off. He very well could still be alive. I was sad about Hershel, they seem to kill off the moral characters in horrible ways. I also hope Judith isn't a zombie baby, that would suck.
I'm sorry some of you had bad experiences. Yes, there are asshole homeless people but there are also good homeless people. I was lucky enough to go to Catholic schools and worked with the homeless a lot. I've volunteered as long as I can remember and I have seen many people that were good...
I was disgusted at the comments. Sure some homeless people can be scary but many are just down on their luck and need some help. To imply they are all drug addicts is what pissed me off. I think some of those ladies need to get their head out of their asses and check out the real world. Many...
I really like her. Such a beautiful, smart and nice person, you just have to like her. Be sure to check out her site, she has some naughty content you pervs would love to whack it to.
After reading this thread I know why people think strippers and cam performers are idiots. I haven't seen this much stupidity in years on a forum. Perhaps people should stop buying lap dances and cam shows from them, they might have a drug habit...
Bri is a very smart woman and she will shoot what she is comfortable with. I think even when she shoots with toys the pictures are still pretty damn classy.
No one said exclude subjects but you also don't need 50 someone vs someone threads. There used to be a lot of really good threads on here that were informative and fun. Now it's like troll central on here and it's driving the good members away. Mariah did keep their asses at bay and it was...
I like this season so far. I was sad that Patrick and Violet died. I felt bad for Rick because I think the pigs kinda brought normalcy to him and made think there could be a regular life in time. It was short lived, but zombies will do that to you. As for Carol, her character was getting boring...
What is up with this forum? Remember when we talked about tv shows, movies, politics and other fun stuff. Now it's all this silly stuff of hookers, porn chicks vs porn chicks, etc. :brick:
Stimulate your mind too, not just your dick please. :cool:
Thanks for the messages. Clearly I am NOT dead, just have a lot of things going on. Unless I did die and I am a zombie now. That would be kinda cool. BRAINSSSSSSSSSS
Just an FYI - She is going to have a site and do phone and shows again. She didn't want to have a hardcore site, so it will be more fetish. Along the lines of a brat or princess theme.