Would you like to see more Star Wars movies?

I would also like to add to that point if I can, Lucas has to give up his writing responsibilities aswell. Get someone to write the script and direct it. And also take most of the decision making responsibilities away from him also, he can be Exec Producer but he should be kept in a corner hopefully tied to something and gagged.

But thats never going to happen, so it should be left alone its already been screwed up enough.

Now when you say "write the script" are you just talking about the dialogue and not the story?Because I do like the ideas and the story aspect of what Lucas does.
Now when you say "write the script" are you just talking about the dialogue and not the story?Because I do like the ideas and the story aspect of what Lucas does.

When you look at the prequels, this is just my opinion, yes the dialogue and the entire story was bad. Im not talking about the originals Lucas was on a roll when he wrote those but I think as time has passed his ability to wirte a half decent script has diminished.

So if they were to do more I would suggest that he brings in some new writers to help.
When you look at the prequels, this is just my opinion, yes the dialogue and the entire story was bad. Im not talking about the originals Lucas was on a roll when he wrote those but I think as time has passed his ability to wirte a half decent script has diminished.

So if they were to do more I would suggest that he brings in some new writers to help.

I don't thing that the actual concept of the prequels were bad,just the acting,that fucking overblown pod race,too much CG,story pacing,and let's not forget about Jar Jar Binks.

I guess the dialogue wasn't very good either,because with a phenomenal cast like that (not calling the kid from the first one or Hayden Christiansen phenomenal)they all pretty much sucked,and that can solely be blamed on the director for not trying to get the most out of his cast.But I guess it's like trying to squeeze water out of a rock in this particular case.
that fucking overblown pod race,too much CG,story pacing,and let's not forget about Jar Jar Binks.

That was the entire story wasnt it :dunno:

I guess the dialogue wasn't very good either,because with a phenomenal cast like that (not calling the kid from the first one or Hayden Christiansen phenomenal)they all pretty much sucked,and that can solely be blamed on the director for not trying to get the most out of his cast.But I guess it's like trying to squeeze water out of a rock in this particular case.

:D I think you hit the nail on the head.
I'd like to see a director with some balls do something in the Star Wars vein. I'd prefer that they do something outside the established storyline, though. Imagine, say, a Steven Spielberg film in the Star Wars universe... something serious, and none of the bullshit that ran rampant in these most recent films.
the empire was destroyed in part 6. what would 7,8 and 9 be about? luke skywalker sitting on the couch in his underwear using the force to get a beer out of the fridge and han solo fighting with his bitchy wife leia over whose turn it is to do the dishes?

i say make more spaceballs movies

If you read the Timothy Zahn novels, Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and The Last Command, the Empire is still around but not as strong as they once were. An alien named Grand Admiral Thrawn leads the Empire to a new fight with the New Republic with a jedi master he found somewhere.

It's been a good while since I read these novels but I consider them the closest thing to Episodes 7-9. I would love to see CGI movies made of these with Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher lending their voices. But thats kind of a pipe dream.
the best thing about the prequels was Sam Jackson. Everyone else sucked.

well Ok ewan mcgregor wasn't terrible, but he's a pretty good actor, so he really should have shone through more. HC was entirely miscast as anakin. I can see that luke started out being a bit of a whiny bitch, but he was able to overcome that in the following movies; not so for anakin, he just kept upping the factor. the queen was a bore and didn't add anything to the story but the predictable ending. The dude that played the emperor was good, but they wasted too much time on trying to show him being sneeky, which was entirely unconvincing, and less time on being the bad ass that he is.
No. The original 3 movies were awsome, the 3 new ones sucked. Let's just leave it where it is. The 3 new ones should never have been made.
New films?.. no!

Rehashed/re-edited/holiday specials of existing movies.. NO!
If you read the Timothy Zahn novels, Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and The Last Command, the Empire is still around but not as strong as they once were. An alien named Grand Admiral Thrawn leads the Empire to a new fight with the New Republic with a jedi master he found somewhere.

It's been a good while since I read these novels but I consider them the closest thing to Episodes 7-9. I would love to see CGI movies made of these with Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher lending their voices. But thats kind of a pipe dream.

I read quite a while ago that 7,8,and 9 would have been about Luke's kids and Leia's kids and I'm not sure what the themes would've been about.This is what Lucas said that he was gonna do 20 something odd years ago,after he finished 4,5,and 6.

I have the names of what those episodes would have been somewhere and I will post them up if I find them,but if I can half way recall correctly,the names you mentioned aren't it.

According to a lot of people,the novels are sort of like a tangent universe and Lucas doesn't have anything to do with the stories,but he allows licensing of his Star Wars universe pretty much to cash in where ever he can,and in no way would he make an actual movie that isn't his own story.Now I'm not saying if that is true or not,but that's what I've always heard.


It's good to be the king...
No. After the new ones I lost interest in Star Wars

What he said...the prequels felt more geared towards bums-on-seats, merchandises and CGI than a labour of love

(and the only Star Wars flick I'd pay to see is where Jar-Jar Binks is hung, drawn & quartered...:D)
I read quite a while ago that 7,8,and 9 would have been about Luke's kids and Leia's kids and I'm not sure what the themes would've been about.This is what Lucas said that he was gonna do 20 something odd years ago,after he finished 4,5,and 6.

I have the names of what those episodes would have been somewhere and I will post them up if I find them,but if I can half way recall correctly,the names you mentioned aren't it.

According to a lot of people,the novels are sort of like a tangent universe and Lucas doesn't have anything to do with the stories,but he allows licensing of his Star Wars universe pretty much to cash in where ever he can,and in no way would he make an actual movie that isn't his own story.Now I'm not saying if that is true or not,but that's what I've always heard.

I never claimed these were episodes 7-9. I just said to me they were the closest thing to them. It's just a dream of mine to see these novels get turned into a CGI trilogy, I highly doubt it will happen.
I was a huge Star Wars fan. They blew my mind when I saw them in the theater as a little kid.

But the prequels were abominations ... as most people here agree. Everything he's made in the last decade has been pure rot.

Lucas is an idiot. He thinks people go to movies to see special effects so he makes these over-wrought special effects scenes that go on and on ... then when he has an hour and half of these scenes, he writes a cheesy story to (loosely) link them all together. The result is an overly busy, bling-bling snore-fest.

It's not just Star Wars ... anyone else groan their way through Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull? I mean WTF? South Park is right ... Lucas and Spielberg should go to jail for raping Indiana Jones. But he did the same to Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, armies of Stormtroopers, and countless more. The only thing he didn't rape was Jar Jar Binks ... which would have been so good it could be on pay-per-view.

Lucas is an Moron. He's poisoned the well with his garbage and had whored out the franchise with his toy crap and stupid publicity stunts.

And when presented with good material like the Zahn "Heir to the Empire" novels, Lucas tries to dismiss them. The guy couldn't get any dumber if he donated his brain to Purina.
I never claimed these were episodes 7-9. I just said to me they were the closest thing to them. It's just a dream of mine to see these novels get turned into a CGI trilogy, I highly doubt it will happen.

I would just like to put in a lot of the hardcore fan base does consider those the de facto episodes 7-9.

Also Lucas has said that they're not his stories, only the movies are that, but pretty much all the major stuff that has come out besides that is considered canon by both most of the fans and all of Lucas' licensing divisions, some of it even with his input. So unless Lucas is the one that directly changes them in the future, which seems more unlikely as time goes on, they are pretty much part of the Star Wars universe.
Lucas is a small, petty man ... who lost his touch decades ago (He did not direct "Empire Strikes Back" or "Return of the Jedi")

He's said that we wanted to make all nine episodes ... but only had the money for one so he chose #4 ... which is now known as "A New Hope."

What a crock of shit!! Lucas lies. He "retcons" ... in other words, he goes back and re-writes his own history every decade or so to fit the fact the way he wants the audience to perceive them.

Does anyone here really believe that in 1977 he thought that Darth Vader, as a child, was the one who built C-3PO? Where's the foreshadowing in the 1st film? That shit doesn't even begin to make sense. :mad:

Would he have Luke and Leia kissing and beginning to fall in love in the first movie if he intended all along that they were brother and sister? :rolleyes:

He is full of shit. You can tell when George Lucas is lying ... his lips are moving.

The Timothy Zahn books came out at a time when it appeared the franchise was all but dead (92-93). Lucas was happy to try to make money off them ... but then resented them (and Tim Zahn) when the books became blockbuster hits ... even #1 NYT Bestsellers.


There was a significant search for the 'right author' to create these stories ... including a write-off ... but since then Lucas has whore'd out the franchise to just about any hack that will produce written material on a tight deadline.

He's treated his fans like a bunch of idiots ... and with a few exceptions, they and the little kids seeing this stuff for the first time are all who are left. :tongue:
What a crock of shit!! Lucas lies. He "retcons" ... in other words, he goes back and re-writes his own history every decade or so to fit the fact the way he wants the audience to perceive them.

Does anyone here really believe that in 1977 he thought that Darth Vader, as a child, was the one who built C-3PO? Where's the foreshadowing in the 1st film? That shit doesn't even begin to make sense. :mad:

Would he have Luke and Leia kissing and beginning to fall in love in the first movie if he intended all along that they were brother and sister? :rolleyes:

There are so many things that Lucas changed in Return Of The Jedi.
The Millennium Falcon was originally supposed to be destroyed and Han Solo was supposed to get killed in the process.
The Ewoks were never even supposed to exist,they were supposed to be Wookies.
There are some other things but I just can't remember them off the top of my head right now.

i remember when I was a little kid,my brother had the very first Star Wars novel called Splinters Of The Minds Eye.I was too little to read it but here's what the story was about if you don't already know.


There's also a graphic novel of it.I might check it out just to see what it's like.