Would you like to see more Star Wars movies?

Really? Pity that he changed his mind about that. I hated the Ewoks.

Well,I guess if you think of the logistics of it,it's a whole lot easier to get between 75-100 little people actors than it is to get the same amount of 6'9" and taller actors.
Yup, but also, story-wise 75-100 6'9'' people would look better when they are supposed to defeat the best military machine in this setting...
There are so many things that Lucas changed in Return Of The Jedi.
The Millennium Falcon was originally supposed to be destroyed and Han Solo was supposed to get killed in the process.
The Ewoks were never even supposed to exist,they were supposed to be Wookies.
There are some other things but I just can't remember them off the top of my head right now.

i remember when I was a little kid,my brother had the very first Star Wars novel called Splinters Of The Minds Eye.I was too little to read it but here's what the story was about if you don't already know.


There's also a graphic novel of it.I might check it out just to see what it's like.

Yeah, I remember reading an article somewhere on how Mark Hamill and George Lucas got into it about the script to Return of the Jedi. I would have liked it more if wookies were in it then Ewoks. I knew the Millennium Falcon was supposed to get blown up and remember watching Return of the Jedi again after reading about it. I remember Han Solo staring at his beloved ship and Leia asking him whats wrong and he replied I got a feeling I will never see her again. I thought it was supposed to be Lando getting blown up in it and not Han. Thats the first I have heard about that.
Episodes 4,5,6 will always be the true SW movies for me. The prequels lacked something I can't quite put my finger on (in addition to the abundance of bad acting and the most unnecessary JarJar Binx). Also, 4,5,6 were groundbreaking in terms of their new technology. The prequels didn't really show anything new to the viewer. If there are to be any more installments, Lucas needs to get back to his roots.

Will E Worm

If you have ever seen Dark Horse comics you would know there are many new storys that could be told.

Here's one: Dark Empire

The "Dark Empire Trilogy" follows the post-trilogy adventures of the main characters from the original Star Wars franchise. The first installment (Dark Empire) in particular, is notable for being one of the very first Star Wars comic to be produced by Dark Horse Comics, who had acquired the comic rights to the Star Wars franchise in the early 90s. "Dark Empire" is also notable as being the first Star Wars comic to spin directly out of the events of Timothy Zahn's "Grand Admiral Thrawn" trilogy, which officially explored the post-movie fates of the main characters of the Star Wars films.

The "Dark Empire Trilogy" deals with the return of the villainous Palpatine, having successfully cheated death by becoming a spirit entity that is successfully "reincarnated" through cloning technology. Other themes include Luke Skywalker temporarily succumbing to the Dark Side of the Force, the official return of Boba Fett (who had seemingly died after being swallowed by the Sarlacc in Return of the Jedi), and the first appearance of Princess Leia and Han Solo's son, Anakin Solo.

Dark Empire
A true Star Wars fan likes all of Star Wars...OT, PT, EU...disagree with me and you are wrong.

I find it amusing that many Star Wars fans nowadays trash the PT, especially Jar Jar, when 30 years ago, we were all kids and loved the OT. Guess what??? Star Wars is a kids flick!!! My kids love the PT. If any of the PT naysayers were kids instead of ComicbookguyfromtheSimpsons wannabes still living in their parents basements, they love it too. Adults back in the '80s found C-3PO and ewoks are just as annoying as adults in the '00s find Jar Jar Binks and podraces!

Bad acting??? Aside from Sir Alec Guiness and Peter Cushing, the acting in the OT wasn't stellar...just ask Harrison Ford...he didn't want to do RotJ because Han Solo didn't have enough depth for him to fully utilize his skills.
Jar Jar??? I find it funny that all of the people who whined about him after TPM got slapped in the face by Lucas in AotC...it was Jar Jar who brought about the Empire, but submitting a vote for emergency power to be granted to Chancellor Palpatine

They only valid, logical complaint that anyone could make with the PT is with the midichlorians...it took away the mysticism of the force.
Spoken like a true fanboy, boba_fouts. You accept Lucas as your lord and savior. He can do wrong and everything is does is excellent (except midichlorians, evidently). :D

However, free thinking individuals who have seen the prequels know they are pure rubbish. :tongue:

Lucas was good decades ago when he was fresh out of film school and could get the basics of a story right. Since then he has become a special effects addict to the point where he doesn't understand they are to be used only to advance the story and are not the story in and of themselves. I'm sorry, but most of us don't suffer similarly and what he's put out in the last decade is shallow and unworthy of the name Star Wars. :nono:
Actually, boba_fouts has a certain point. The new ones are rubbish, sure, but I think that people overestimate the old ones. They are not so much better story-wise or acting-wise. It's just that back then they were relatively original, while now we somewhat have grown accustomed to such fantastical and "epic" stories and as audience we are harder to please now. Besides I wasn't older than 8 or 9 when I saw the old ones and guess what - it was a blast. But I was like... 18 when the last of the new ones came out. I'm sure that this is more or less the same case for most people - they saw the old ones as kids and loved them, but they were adults (or close enoug not to matter) when the new ones came out and they were not so pleased.
A setting as expansive as the Star Wars Universe offers plenty in the way of cool stories. As long as they focussed on plot instead of special effects (as they did in the prequels), I'd welcome more Star Wars movies.
I agree.

...but if there is ever more Star Wars movies, i will watch them regardless. :o
As much as I'd like to believe that I'm a discerning movie go-er, I think I'm inclined to agree with you.

As "weird" as this probably sounds, one of the aspects of the original Star Wars that REALLY appealed to me; was using the great James Earl Jones to voice Vader. I mean, can you imagine Vader speaking in any other form other than that rich, deep baritone with just that hint of a southern inflection?

I'm a sucker for sci-fi with a story.
Frankly, I've been wishing that someone would turn Joe Haldeman's "Forever War" into a decent flick.

Spoken like a true fanboy, boba_fouts. You accept Lucas as your lord and savior. He can do wrong and everything is does is excellent (except midichlorians, evidently). :D

However, free thinking individuals who have seen the prequels know they are pure rubbish. :tongue:

Lucas was good decades ago when he was fresh out of film school and could get the basics of a story right. Since then he has become a special effects addict to the point where he doesn't understand they are to be used only to advance the story and are not the story in and of themselves. I'm sorry, but most of us don't suffer similarly and what he's put out in the last decade is shallow and unworthy of the name Star Wars. :nono:

Actually Boba Fouts makes an excellent point. The problem is nobody wants to hear it because he's right.
I'm looking forward to the day when someone will come along and just revamp the entire franchise. Unfortunately, we'll have to wait until Lucas dies before that can happen.
I'm waiting to see how the live-action TV show turns out. It should be pretty cool since it's going to be in between Ep. 3 and 4.

BTW, I'm watching The Phantom Menace right now, and it still really bites they didn't keep Darth Maul alive at least another movie, that character was one of the better things of the prequels. Plus his entrance when Duel of the Fates starts playing was just fucking badass.
"I'm watching The Phantom Menace right now, and it still really bites they didn't keep Darth Maul alive at least another movie, that character was one of the better things of the prequels. Plus his entrance when Duel of the Fates starts playing was just fucking badass."

That's the problem with Lucas. He can get a few scenes dead-solid-perfect ... but the story, writing, directing of the actors, etc ... all suck so the whole production comes off as really shallow and disappointing. :(

I think the best scene in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is at the beginning when Indy and his buddy are pulled out of the trunk of a car off screen ... then he puts on that hat and you can just see the shadow of him. That was brilliant! :D But the rest of the movie sucked ass. :wtf:
"I'm watching The Phantom Menace right now, and it still really bites they didn't keep Darth Maul alive at least another movie, that character was one of the better things of the prequels. Plus his entrance when Duel of the Fates starts playing was just fucking badass."

That's the problem with Lucas. He can get a few scenes dead-solid-perfect ... but the story, writing, directing of the actors, etc ... all suck so the whole production comes off as really shallow and disappointing. :(

I think the best scene in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is at the beginning when Indy and his buddy are pulled out of the trunk of a car off screen ... then he puts on that hat and you can just see the shadow of him. That was brilliant! :D But the rest of the movie sucked ass. :wtf:
I totally agree with you.

Lucas is a good creator but he's not a good writer or director.
"I'm watching The Phantom Menace right now, and it still really bites they didn't keep Darth Maul alive at least another movie, that character was one of the better things of the prequels. Plus his entrance when Duel of the Fates starts playing was just fucking badass."

That's the problem with Lucas. He can get a few scenes dead-solid-perfect ... but the story, writing, directing of the actors, etc ... all suck so the whole production comes off as really shallow and disappointing. :(

I think the best scene in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is at the beginning when Indy and his buddy are pulled out of the trunk of a car off screen ... then he puts on that hat and you can just see the shadow of him. That was brilliant! :D But the rest of the movie sucked ass. :wtf:

I really liked Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. To me after watching the bonus material, I felt Steven Spielberg saved that movie from going down the toilet. But to each their own.
Road Rage 76, you aren't alone. Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 76% rating ... meaning 76% of the 242 critics gave it a generally positive review.

But I see a movie to see a good story ... not just busy special effects. So I generally agree with South Park ... the movie was an extended rape scene not unlike the 2nd Indiana Jones film.
If you read the Timothy Zahn novels, Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and The Last Command, the Empire is still around but not as strong as they once were. An alien named Grand Admiral Thrawn leads the Empire to a new fight with the New Republic with a jedi master he found somewhere.

It's been a good while since I read these novels but I consider them the closest thing to Episodes 7-9. I would love to see CGI movies made of these with Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher lending their voices. But thats kind of a pipe dream.
so the empire would be the new rebellion? interesting
As Randal said in Clerks 2, "There is only 1 trilogy"

I prefer to watch the original releases, even though my VHS tapes are starting to go. No new cgi or anything.