Would you like to see more Star Wars movies?


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
I don't believe that when the second Death Star blew up, all of the Empire was destroyed. Sure the Emperor and Vader were done, but there had to be a big time baddie out there. The Rebels are relaxed and vulnerable to attack. Bring it on.
Absolutely not, Lord of the rings could always be expanded upon, but I really feel the recent Star Wars works indicate the end of an era, it's losing it's appeal.

They should stop before they destroy it
I totally agree with you.

Lucas is a good creator but he's not a good writer or director.

Lucas' biggest problem is that he just has himself surrounded by "yes" men, and there's no one who will tell him things like:

"That kid you want to play 12 year old Anakin is annoying as hell and a bad actor"

"The dialog sounds wooden"

Or really anything else besides "Oh, you are the best, sir!" "Brilliant!"

The best thing he could have done for the prequels, once he wrote them, was to let someone else direct them. And back the hell off on the CG mayhem that made some parts of those movies so overwhelming, not to mention making it look like the galaxy had taken a step backward in technology by the time episode IV started.

I think this devotion to all things computer generated and overwhelming is going to be a negative mark for this new Star Trek movie as well. It will be a loud, swirling vortex of CG effects that will be expected to cover up story flaws and damaging blows to the series' continuity.

So... no, I'd like to see no new Star Wars movies, because with Lucas in absolute control of all things, all the time- they'd suck. :2 cents:

Absolutely not, Lord of the rings could always be expanded upon

I'm not sure what exactly you mean by that statement. that they could use more material from the books, or make film projects of the other related novels (the hobbit and the silmarillian) or that they can expand the franchise?

Ya know, being that LOTR is arguably the most popular fantasy series of all time, it is rather surprising that other authors haven't contributed new material set within the framework of the story, like Conan, Star Wars or Dune.
I'm not sure what exactly you mean by that statement. that they could use more material from the books, or make film projects of the other related novels (the hobbit and the silmarillian) or that they can expand the franchise?

Ya know, being that LOTR is arguably the most popular fantasy series of all time, it is rather surprising that other authors haven't contributed new material set within the framework of the story, like Conan, Star Wars or Dune.

I meant that Tolkein's work was so extensive that a complete Lord Of The Rings movie would never be made, an endless supply of quality work could be made that encompasses the LOTR universe.

I think that the very reason no one has ever tried to expand it is the sheer fact that it IS the basis for most fantasy works, even today. And the backlash would be astounding
we'll see. I started a new thread on it, since it's pretty much unrelated to this topic.
We just did...it was called the Bush Administration.