Would you like to see more Star Wars movies?

They could work, but one of the biggest things that needs to happen is for Lucus to step back a little and let somebody else handle the script, and probably most of the direction the plot goes in. I don't ever see that happening. He's good when it comes to creating overall impressions of a fictional word, but he isn't too good when it comes to dialogue. Star Wars is probably the best and most successful fictional universe ever created, and there could be excellent things that come out of it if people that know what makes Star Wars what it is, are in touch with what the fans of Star Wars like, and are good writers do it.
Nah, the series is fine where it is and does not have any huge questions to answer. Leave it where it is and let it live out its legacy.
I think the problem was that he felt the need to explain everything that happened in the original movies or make up for certain things that happened in the OT like Boba Fett dying off in such a punk ass way by giving him and Jango Fett a big part in Episode 2; he's a perfectionist. Unfortunately for us our vision of perfection differs from his..

yeah, boba fett is some puerto rican guy that the clone army was made from, WTF? :ban:
The only prequel movie I liked was Revenge of the Sith and that was pretty much it. The first one was ok and started out decent but fell apart toward the ending. The second one, Attack of the Clones was pretty much just boring as hell. I think I could have done a better job of writing that story then Lucas. Revenge of the Sith was pretty much the best one of the prequels and to me came close to matching the originals.

I would kinda be interested to see a CGI trilogy made of Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and The Last Command. Those would be cool to see with Lucas letting someone else handle them. But I doubt it will happen. Any other movie made in the Star Wars universe I would not be interested in.
O please no, star wars / star trek / lord of the rings / Debbie does Dallas just isn't my thing. I know the story lines but i cant stand the movies specially lord of the rings. Put those four together that might work.

I only seen the first star wars tried to watch the others but i just cant. So if they make another star wars movie i wouldn't really care.


Closed Account
No. I love the original trilogy, but they fouled up the prequels. I have to agree with Road Rage that ROS was the only decent movie of that trilogy. I am afraid to see anything else lucas does to the series. Only fan films for me.


I'd like to see a Knights of the Old Republic movie, a Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight movie, and The Force Unleashed as a movie (especially since this could be done pretty easily as everybody in that game was an actor).

Other than that I wouldn't like too many Star Wars flicks.

I enjoyed the KOTOR games a lot, I like that idea of a movie or three based on them....though I doubt anything will match up to the originals.
I'd like to see the final trilogy done as originally planed in the late 70s. The recent three movies looked like they were written to tie into video games, and ideas for great CGI shots drove the plot.


I'm watching the LOTR Trilogy right now, the journey has begun.
And as a totality I enjoy watching the SW prequels, preceding watching the original Trilogy.
If a creative SW 7-1000 is made, I'll enjoy it. Otherwise...
Who needs another crap movie?

But then...I found "The Color Purple" to be an uplifting flick, and play "Battlefield Earth" a lot. "Bladerunner" has been, and will always be, my favorite SciFi Movie.
I would enjoy another Star Wars Epic with great FX and soundtrack...and a deep, cool story with an open ending.
I kinda wouldnt mind seeing the 7-9 episode trilogy in Star Wars, but after the prequels left such a bad taste in mostly everyones mouth (lucas dookie anyone?), I dont see that EVER happening. Fortunately, or unfortunately.
the empire was destroyed in part 6. what would 7,8 and 9 be about? luke skywalker sitting on the couch in his underwear using the force to get a beer out of the fridge and han solo fighting with his bitchy wife leia over whose turn it is to do the dishes?

i say make more spaceballs movies
Only if Lucas is NOT the director,and they got a good director to do it.I wouldn't be opposed if Spielberg were to take over.
Only if Lucas is NOT the director,and they got a good director to do it.I wouldn't be opposed if Spielberg were to take over.

I would also like to add to that point if I can, Lucas has to give up his writing responsibilities aswell. Get someone to write the script and direct it. And also take most of the decision making responsibilities away from him also, he can be Exec Producer but he should be kept in a corner hopefully tied to something and gagged.

But thats never going to happen, so it should be left alone its already been screwed up enough.