Why can't Dumbass Obama answer a simple question?

It's the WASHINGTON Nationals. He's not organizing communities in CHICAGO anymore. I thought it was bush league (no pun intended) and disrespectful. Even liberal friends of mine who like BHO thought it was retarded to say the least. And I hope they never invite him back to Nationals Park to be honest, because it took us a LONG time to get a team back here and even though they suck, a lot of us love having a MLB team again.

Were it Bush in the same position and the visiting team was the Rangers, what cap would he have donned in your opinion?
Were it Bush in the same position and the visiting team was the Rangers, what cap would he have donned in your opinion?

Exactly, and as the many pictures of the even show, he was also wearing a (much more OBVIOUS) red Nationals jacket.

For fuck's sake people, it's not like he signed up to be a part-time manager of the team. It's just a team that he has to show some perfunctory respect to by virtue of the fact that they're based in the city where The White House happens to sit. And he did.

It's the WASHINGTON Nationals. He's not organizing communities in CHICAGO anymore. I thought it was bush league (no pun intended) and disrespectful. Even liberal friends of mine who like BHO thought it was retarded to say the least. And I hope they never invite him back to Nationals Park to be honest, because it took us a LONG time to get a team back here and even though they suck, a lot of us love having a MLB team again.

Oh for god's sake man watch the pitch again. He was having fun with the fans by showing his true team. If Nationals fans don't get that then that's pretty pathetic. He still wore a Nationals jacket.:rolleyes:
Oh for god's sake man watch the pitch again. He was having fun with the fans by showing his true team. If Nationals fans don't get that then that's pretty pathetic. He still wore a Nationals jacket.:rolleyes:

He also wore a White Sox jacket when he threw out the first pitch in the 2009 all star game.......in St Louis :eek: :eek: What a terrible affront to Missourians. Impeachment's not punishment enough :hammer:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
And all this time he hasn't even been to a single Capitals game. You know, the one team in DC that is actually good. :rolleyes:

Guess he doesn't want to be seen cheering for a bunch of Russians.
Are you kidding me? He LOVES Russians. :lovecoupl And he can't hide it. They're his philosophical brethren. He wants us all to BE Russian :)
The reason he doesn't go to hockey games is because there aren't any black players, and since he hates white people (I have this on good authority from a dry drunk on Fox News), the sport repels him.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
All Sarah Palin needs is 600 + days as a US Senator and she will be every bit as qualified as BHO, if not more.

600 days... and someone to help her memorize what the actual duties of POTUS are. I assume she wouldn't know that, since she was pretty shaky on the duties of VP.

Just sayin'... :1orglaugh

Here's what I admired about John McCain (of 2008): he admitted his weaknesses in his lack of understanding of ecomonic issues. There was a certain air of humility about the man (which Palin sorely lacks). The problem was he relied on a thick headed scoundrel like Phil Gramm as his chief economic advisor (there ain't no recession... the American people just whine too damn much!). But the John McCain of 1998-99, I think, would have made a MUCH better President than what GWB turned out being. More pragmatic and less about ideology. But it was the utter failure of the GWB terms that made Obama's election possible, IMO. And if the holy rollers, Confederate apologists and tea partiers get their way and run Palin in 2012, I'd say ol' Barry O stands a damn good chance of easily winning a second term.
Unless the republicans find some platform to run on, they have no change against Obama in 2012 and probably don't have a chance to pick up many (any) seats in 2010 in the House and Senate.

Just saying "no" all the time isn't a platform. And Obama isn't disliked enough (outside the crazy "born in Kenya" crowd) to where simply running against Obama is enough to win.

After 2008, it sounded like Pawlenty, Jindel, Cantor, and Romney were all the front-runners. All candidates with legitimate leadership experience and people who have shown the ability to make a coherent sentence.

Now the frontrunner is Palin.


How bad is it when your party has been overtaken with nuts and you can't field a viable candidate?

That's where the republicans are at this point. Lost.
How bad is it when your party has been overtaken with nuts and you can't field a viable candidate?

That's where the republicans are at this point. Lost.

That is how I have felt about the Democrats for a long time now. The Republican Party is just fallen into the same fallings.

Well you all can vote for me when I am 35. I may be a psychotic anti-government lunatic. But at least I am honest about it.
It is not in his nature. He has to spin it. If he can't spin he drolls on til you forget the orginal question.:2 cents:
No matter how much of a failure, socialist, fascist, communist, markist, dolt Obama may or may not be, he could never come close to being as big of a disaster as McCain/Palin would have been/are.
The real question is, why does this ridiculous thread persist??