What gives us the right to eat other creatures?

You are absolutely correct about those things, and I thank you for bringing that up. whether or not your POV is to call bullshit on those who claim to justify those things as right, I don't know... maybe we disagree on that.

But my point here is that I know that I am guilty of those things (if not directly, than at least complacantly) and I admit that. I'm not trying to be perfect, no one can. But I am trying to be BETTER. So I really don't think that someone who tries to make a difference to do what is right is the same as someone that choses to do nothing about it.

lol,you are trying to be a better person,really??
wath are you doing chatting on a porn site,women's exploitation should be higher on your list...but you prefer protecting animals,funny.

im hungry,getting myself a burger...see ya
There is no God, if it tastes good and you can get away with it then just eat it. Burp!
women's exploitation should be higher on your list.

and what makes you think that it isn't? maybe I'm here to spread the word and bring it down. No, i'm not. But my primary focus when it comes to the sexual aspects of this board is discussion/information on health issues, followed by relationship advice, and I do quite a bit to disspell possesion/objectification when it comes to sex and women in general. Ultimately women (and everyone) is free to make thier own choices. I merely try and do my part to make sure that they are educated and well-meaning choices. It's not up to me to tell a woman what she can or can't do with her body, and if I did otherwise THAT WOULD go against my position as an animal advocate, on account that very same thing (imposing control over thier bodies and chocies and lives) is what is happening and I am speaking out against.
Why is this even an issue? Gross mis-management of natural resources- okay, fine, complain about that. But meat? C'mon! Make your own choices and quit telling other people what to eat.
What gives us the right to dominate and industrize other animals, turning them into products such as meat, milk, fur, glue and others.
What gives us the right to exploit all the resources of this world into our own benefit?
I hate it when people think of themself "overall I think I am pretty nice guy", while they are actually just far from being it. Because all humans are "not good".
In other words, will you cry like a baby when another alien race come to this planet and decides to make products out of humans such as burgers and soap?

Because i love meat and would encourage everyone to eat it. Have you ever looked how ill a Vegitarian looks and how week they are. I also love milk and it a vey important part of my diet as its full of goodness.

Bottom line buddy you say you are a pretty nice guy, sure you probably are but your also very nieve (is that how you spell it:1orglaugh)

You wouldnt be a University graduate would you, who love to preach about the world without knowing fuck all about it:D
Have you ever looked how ill a Vegitarian looks and how week they are.

have you? I really think you haven't because that just doesn't make any sense. there isn't any essential nutrients that you can't get from eating fruits, veggies, nuts and daily vitamins. Most people in general don't eat a balanced diet, and from what I've seen vegetarians are usually a lot more health-conscious then most.

Most people for most of history have been primarily vegetarian, as it's just not practical or applicable to have domesticated livestock everywhere. harvesting agriculture is just a lot easier and takes less work and yeilds more. The point being that it's totally unfounded to think that people have always had the dietary habbits that they do today as a result of industrialization. people eat more meat now then they ever have, but they have seemed to do well enough before, ya know thousands of years of human history, and all that.

Speaking of thousands of years of human history, one of the earliest civilizations, India, has been and still is predominantly vegetarian. maybe I'm wrong, but they seem to be thriving pretty well.
As an intelligent human, first off, you are NOT an animal. That is to say, you do not spend your day simply trying to survive, as animals in the wild. So, if you believe it is not right for you to kill unnecessarily, don't. I am with you on that. Fuck what anyone says, a meat eating person does so solely for sensual pleasure- meat tastes good. There are numerous studies conducted by Harvard school of medicine, and I think it is by now common sense, that meat is BAD for you. That is to say, the harm it does out weighs the good. Only eat meat if you kill it yourself, and only kill an animal for it's meat if you must to survive. Beyond that, I'd happily kill someone who I hate. I'm just being real about the whole vegetarian thing. Oh yeah- I'm a vegetarian bodybuilder and I play basketball and I kick ass at both. I'm not Shwarzenegar or Jordan, but I been lifting for 5 years and have mass, and been playing ball in leagues and in the street in NYC for years. I'm just tired of the vegetarian argument. If you like meats taste, fuck it- eat it. But don't fool yourself. It's bad for your heart and colon. And it's not manly unless you killed the shit with a knife or your bare hands. Alas, the knowledge beyond these words will most asuredly fall on deaf ears. But to those who are vegetarians- stand strong.
You are an animal (unless your a fungus, plant or some form of bacteria), you go to work to make money to pay other people to help you survive (or have sex with you).
"meat tastes good" is a sensual reason, who's side are you on?
If you work all day trying to survive, you need a muuuuch better job. I am assuming I am unclear. So to re-word, animals spend a majority of their day looking for food simply to live, literally. They can not afford to watch tv or type away on message boards- they cannot waste time, or they will die. We are nothing like that. We spend a few minutes at the grocery and our food is taken care of. That's what I mean about the distinction between us and animals. Again, if someone wants to eat meat I will not try to stop them. I don't tell anyone I'm a vegetarian, who cares? But yes, I think that meat eaters are just ignorant about the facts. That doesn't make them bad people. I am ignorant about a lot of stuff, we all are. If they do know the facts and don't care, oh well, good for all us. No big deal. BUT, I hate when people argue against vegetarians or act like it's manly to eat meat. Like I said, unless you killed it, you look like a cornball saying it's manly. Not you personally, but the idea in general. I guess you could say my post is a waste of time since I'm stating the obvious; just observing the general opinion of the common persons ideas about vegetarians. But I justify my post by saying I proudly represent vegetarians, and everyone should think twice and think deep and hard about your assumptions about vegetarian-ism. Speaking of deep and hard, back to the pierced tits thread!! Take it sleazy.
I know this is an old thread but I must inject my two cents into the mix.

We as humans have a duty to the animals we inhabit this earth alongside, we plant food intended for ourselves and they (animals) also utilize this artifical forage, we geneticaly alter foodstuffs to produce a better yield per achre therby increasing the already inflated artificial food base, allowing more young animals to survive to adulthood. Then what do we do? just befor the winter sets in we harvest OUR crops depriving these animals we have "HELPED" all summer of a winter food supply. NOW what do you think is going to happen Mr/Mrs Veagen? Tose animals are going to DIE weather or not YOU OR I PHYSICALY kill them or not, might I add that STARVATION is a cruel way to die, especialy in the COLD northern states; (as I wright this it is -6 deg F). I do not condone TROPHY hunting that is just WRONG, but I am an avid hunter/ fisherman / outdoorsman and I do eat what I shoot. Yes I shoot deer, elk, birds...ect...et-all. We humans have a duty to these animals we have HELPED during the summer and that duty is to cull the heard to a level that can be suported by the natural forage available to them in the wild. So if you think you are saving animals and ending suffering by being a vegitarian you are sorely mistaken. By the way I am not trying to pick on vegitarians (I am married to one for 15 years so far) I just want to clear the board for people who think we shouldn't KILL animals. they say we can exsist without killing them(animals) I say if an animal can't get enough food because you ate it then you are killing it. At least I kill mine and it takes them about half a second to die, when a bullet passes through the brain cavity, How long dose it take to starve to death?

My point is that if we don't cull these animals we are dooming them to starvation and lingering suffering. sure the first couple of years they will do fine but after that they will be like vermine increasing population exponentialy each year (female deer have twin fawns each year after the first) theareticaly that meens each year we will have twice as many animals. If we start with say a million animals and a quarter of the population is male then we end up with 2and a half million deer the next year, then 6 million, then 15 million then 37 million then 88 million and this is just over a five year time-span. So don't give the omnivores in your life any more trouble about eating MEAT it is a lifestyle choice and I have made mine and you have made yours.

Plenty of room exsists for all of gods creatures on this planet, right next to the mashed potatoes.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
What gives us the right to dominate and industrize other animals, turning them into products such as meat, milk, fur, glue and others.
What gives us the right to exploit all the resources of this world into our own benefit?
I hate it when people think of themself "overall I think I am pretty nice guy", while they are actually just far from being it. Because all humans are "not good".
In other words, will you cry like a baby when another alien race come to this planet and decides to make products out of humans such as burgers and soap?

Hope your dick doesnt get chapped while you're hugging that tree.
What gives us the right to dominate and industrize other animals, turning them into products such as meat, milk, fur, glue and others.
What gives us the right to exploit all the resources of this world into our own benefit?
I hate it when people think of themself "overall I think I am pretty nice guy", while they are actually just far from being it. Because all humans are "not good".
In other words, will you cry like a baby when another alien race come to this planet and decides to make products out of humans such as burgers and soap?

Because we can - there is no such thing as a right - we all live by actions and consequences of our actions. the fact that we can industrialize and eat other animals is just our ability to do so.

have u ever seen dolphins feed? they attack a school of fish surround it and drive them upward to the ocean surface where it is easier to attack. when the school dwindles the dolphins release spouts of bubbles from their air hole releasing a bubble wall that traps the remaining school of fish as they eat every last one. what gives them the right to do this? because they can.
It's called a "food chain". What gives lions the right to eat gazelles? What gives crocs the right to eat wildebeasts? What give sharks the right to eat us? What give me the right to eat pussy? Hurray for natural law!!